Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Run, SadPony, Run!: Recap: Fitness Mind, Body, Spirit Games

Saturday's Fitness Mind, Body, Spirit Games 4 mile race was comprised of two races, one for men and one for women. ?Because of this, I got to be a spectator during the men's race. ?The course was horseshoe shaped, starting on the east side of Central Park and finishing on the west side. ?A festival area setup in the middle of the park had handouts (Fitness Magazine and raisins) and an area for yoga.

The fastest men getting ready to go.

Alek off to a strong start!

After I saw Alek pass me at the start, I walked over to the finish line. ?The winner finished in just under 20 minutes. ?It was fun to watch all of the runners approach the finish. ?Alek set a PR for his race at 34:53 with an 8:44 pace.

Looking strong approaching the finish

Now it was time for me to head back to the east side for my start. ?The pressure was on to keep a faster pace than Alek. ?After all, I've been running for 21 months, he can't catch me after less than a year! ?My goal was to finish in 32 minutes, Alek pointed out that it wouldn't be easy for me to do. ?I accepted the?challenge?and completed in 32:11! ?I was eleven seconds off my goal, but thrilled with a new PR nonetheless! ?

Finishing strong!

This was a fun race with?gorgeous?fall weather. ?Full race results for the men's and women's races are available on NYRR's site.

Source: http://www.sadpony.com/2012/09/recap-fitness-mind-body-spirit-games.html

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