Thursday, September 27, 2012

Leader Board: Lvl/Exp Distributor

Star Ocean Online

Star Ocean released a VR-MMO. However, players mysterious begin to vanish from our world, their souls trapped inside their player characters within the game. Faced with the very real possibility of death within the world they love, what will they do?


Game Masters:

This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Star Ocean Online?. Anything posted here will also show up there.

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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
Exp. Point Calculator: When all your partial points add up to a full point you level up and get one new Skill point.

Levels 1-10
Completed Dungeon Run: .50
Field Boss Kills: .75
Dungeon Boss kills: 1.00
MOB Kills: .60
PvP Duel: .20
PK: .15
Successful Crafting: .40

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Member for 1 years

The only problem i see with this is that the conflicts with our post when it comes to thinking of how much mobs we really killed and such. Like mine went out killed a lot and not only that but crafted too. So then we're not looking at one variable but two.

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Member for 0 years

The way I ran it before was that you only get one point per mob per post.

Say if in your post your character kills 3 MOBs. You'll only get Partial Points for 1 MOB. And you'll get your Partial Point for crafting. So, according to the point calculator you've gained a full point which means you've gained a level.

I was thinking about players forming parties to gain exp. Right now Gabriel, Ark and Kain are forming a party. Say Gabriel makes a post where they encounter a mob and kill it in his post all three of those characters get partial points for that mob. Then after that post Ark makes a post where they encounter another mob and slay it in that post- all three of them get partial points. Now, comes Kain's turn and the process is repeated earning all three of them partial points. Think of it as party grinding.

Remember all of this is in development. Seph has the final say on what he likes and what he doesn't like.

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