Sunday, August 12, 2012

How to Fast & Purify the Mind, Body, Emotions and Spirit (1 of 3 ... Satsang with the Self video series by Channel Higher Self. January 8, 2011 How to Fast & Purify the Mind, Body, Emotions and Spirit Welcome to the Satsang with the Self video series. To learn more about Satsang with the Self, visit: or http How to Fast & Purify the Mind, Body, Emotions and Spirit Welcome to the Satsang with the Self video session and live video event by Chanel Higher Self. Beginning on March 1, 2009 and continuing indefinitely, every Satsang with the Self channeling session will be a live interactive video experience using webcams. To learn how you can participate in the next live Higher Self channeling event, visit: How to Fast & Purify the Mind, Body, Emotions and Spirit The oldest health and medicine practice on the planet is fasting ? the process of abstaining from food in order to purify the body, remove disease, and promote healing. Understood in ancient times, and still taught in some lesser known spiritual schools, fasting is much more than a method to cleanse and purify the physical blood, tissue and organs. Fasting also cleanses our emotions and thoughts, makes us more aware of the chi / prana / spiritual manna energy, and connects us more fully to our Soul and to God. In this Channel Higher Self video you will learn how to safely and correctly perform a total systems fast. You will learn what is necessary to fast and detoxify your physical tissue and ?
Video Rating: 4 / 5



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