Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Hurricane Sandy: Life without power

On Wednesday night 44 million in the Northeast still had no power. The scale of destruction brought by Hurricane Sandy has been beyond anything power companies have dealt with before.

By Jonathan Fahey and Scott Mayerowitz,?Associated Press / October 31, 2012

Barbara Brasel, (l.), pays Rosa Rosas for a slice of pizza and a glass of wine at Frank's Trattoria on First Avenue between East 21st Street and East 22nd Street in New York Wednesday. The establishment had water but no electricity or phone service. Brasel, who lives in the neighborhood and has no power or water, said it was her first time out since the storm.

Tina Fineberg/AP


Homes grew chilly without heat. Food spoiled in refrigerators. Televisions remained silent. And people everywhere scurried for a spot to charge their cellphones.

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Two full days after Superstorm Sandy ripped through the Northeast, most Americans who lost power tried to make the best of a situation that was beyond their control while utilities struggled to restore electricity ? a massive job they warned could last well into next week.

Sandy blacked out some of the nation's most densely populated cities and suburbs, instantly taking away modern conveniences from Virginia to Massachusetts and as far west as the Great Lakes.

For power companies, the scale of the destruction was unmatched ? more widespread than any blizzard or ice storm and worse than the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

"It's unprecedented: fallen trees, debris, the roads, water, snow. It's a little bit of everything," said Brian Wolff, senior vice president of the Edison Electric Institute, a group that lobbies for utilities.

Initially, about 60 million people were without power in 8.2 million homes and businesses. By Wednesday night, that number had fallen to roughly 44 million people in 6 million households and businesses.

Even as power slowly returned to some pockets, a new headache emerged: Backup batteries and generators running cellphone towers were running out of juice. One out of every five towers was down, according to the Federal Communications Commission.

That ? plus more people relying on their cellphones to stay connected ? overwhelmed the system in some areas, making it hard to place calls.

With many businesses and schools closed, people looked for ways to keep themselves entertained.

John Mazzeo, of Monroe, Conn., had a small generator that doesn't really provide him much power. But it was enough to keep his 7-year-old daughter occupied with a Christmas movie. Meals consisted of McDonald's and cereal.

In New York, Vildia Samaniego traveled four miles uptown to a bar, the Blarney Stone, to watch the Boston Celtics play the Miami Heat.

"I really needed to watch the basketball game," she laughed. "The place was packed. It's amazing how much you miss television."

Peter Nikac, a teacher who lives in Fairfield, Conn., took a more old-fashioned route: His family spent their time playing board games and sorting through photos.

"You get back to when we were young with no electronics," he said. "You realize you don't need a lot of that material. You get back to just doing simple things which is somewhat pleasing."

For others, the outage had graver consequences.


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Monday, October 29, 2012

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Saturday, October 27, 2012

DMCA rule insanity: Unlocking your smartphone will soon be illegal ...

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New rules governing exemptions to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) dictate that it will soon be illegal to unlock your smartphone without carrier permission. Jailbreaking your tablet is also forbidden, as is ripping a DVD into a digital format.

Every three years, the Register of Copyrights at the Library of Congress reviews the ways in which consumers may or may not circumvent Digital Rights Management (DRM) of copyrighted products covered under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) ? what you can and cannot do, legally, with the gadgets and digital content you buy. And yesterday, the latest rulings (see below) came in ? some of it good, some bad, some decidedly insane. Here is a quick breakdown of what you cannot do with your smartphones, tablets, DVDs, game-consoles, and more, according to the law.

Note: The new rules below go into effect on Sunday, October 28, 2012.

Jailbreaking smartphones: Allowed

Jailbreaking smartphones to allow users to download ?unauthorized? apps has been legal under DMCA since 2010, and nothing changes for this year.

Jailbreaking tablets: Illegal

In a decision that some might call ?crazy,? the Register has decided that tablets may not be jailbroken, even though smartphones are exempt. Their reason? Because dang near anything could be considered a ?tablet? these days, including e-readers, handheld game consoles, or even laptops. Because of this so-called lack of definition, the Register says that jailbreaking your tablet (or ?tablet?) is against the law.

Unlocking smartphones: Illegal

That?s right ? unlocking your smartphone so you can take it to another wireless carrier will soon be illegal, unless authorized by your carrier. This, despite the fact that the Register has allowed unlocking since 2006.

There are some exceptions to this rule ? but they aren?t worth cheering for. Specifically, you may unlock any phone you own now, or buy between now and ?ninety days after the effective date of this exemption.? As of January 2013, however, unlocking your device without permission is decidedly against the law.

Now, you?re probably asking ?Why in tarnation did they change this?? Because, according to the Register, the firmware on your phone ? the software that, among other things, locks you into a specific carrier ? is copyrighted, and therefore cannot be changed without violating the law. And since there are many more unlocked handsets on the market nowadays, and wireless carriers often provide ways for customers to unlock their phones, there?s really no reason for you to do what you want with your device. Makes sense, right? Right?! Sigh?

DVD ripping: Illegal (mostly)

Ripping a DVD you legally own so you can watch the movie or TV shows on a device that cannot play DVDs, like a tablet or laptop without an optical drive, is illegal. Same goes for CDs. As Michael Weinberg of consumer advocacy group Public Knowledge notes, this rule ?flies in the face of reality,? especially given the fact that both the MPAA and RIAA agree that consumers should be allowed to do this.

There are some exceptions to this rule, however: The Register now allows ripping DVDs in order to use ?short portions of motion pictures for the purpose of criticism or comment,? as long as the clips are used in noncommercial videos, documentaries, and videos used for teaching purposes in kindergarten through college.

Game console modding: Illegal

Modding your game console to run software other than what came on the device is still illegal for the same reason that unlocking a smartphone is illegal ? it requires changes to the firmware, which are copyright protected.

Wins for disabled customers

As maddening as some of the changes listed above may be, the Register did make some good exemptions for customers with vision and hearing impairments. Namely, hearing impaired customers may circumvent any ?technological measures? included in e-books that prevent them from using read-aloud technology. Also, it is now legal to crack DVDs in order to create DVD players ?capable of rendering visual representations of the audible portions of such works and/or audible representations or descriptions of the visual portions of such works to enable an individual who is blind, visually impaired, deaf, or hard of hearing? ? as long as the DVD was obtained legally, of course. Researchers are also allowed to crack DVDs for research purposes.

DMCA facepalm

Clearly, some of these new rules (no jailbreaking tablets, no ripping DVDs so you can watch them on tablets, no unlocking phones without permission) are ridiculous from a user standpoint. But such is the complicated (some would say ?broken?) nature of copyright law. Let us know your thoughts on the new rules in the comments. And check out the full ruling below.

DMCA Rules 2012


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Nanoparticles deliver drug to treat bladder cancer - University of ...

SACRAMENTO ? A team of UC Davis scientists has shown in experimental mouse models that a new drug delivery system allows for administration of three times the maximum tolerated dose of a standard drug therapy for advanced bladder cancer, leading to more effective cancer control without increasing toxicity.

The delivery system consists of specially designed nanoparticles that home in on tumor cells while carrying the anti-cancer drug paclitaxel. The same delivery system also was successfully used to carry a dye that lights up on imaging studies, making it potentially useful for diagnostic purposes. The findings are published today in the journal Nanomedicine.

"We have developed a novel, multifunctional nanotherapeutics platform that can selectively and efficiently deliver both diagnostic and therapeutic agents to bladder tumors," said Chong-Xian Pan, principal investigator of the study and associate professor of hematology and oncology at UC Davis. "Our results support its potential to be used for both diagnostic and therapeutic applications for advanced bladder cancer."

Cancer of the bladder usually develops in the cells of the inner lining of the bladder. Survival rates are high if the disease is caught early, but it remains difficult to treat in advanced stages ? when the tumor has grown outside of the bladder or metastasized to distant sites. It is the fourth most common cancer in men; it occurs less frequently in women.

Paclitaxel is a drug used to treat advanced bladder cancer and other cancers, but it is associated with serious safety concerns. It can be toxic to bone marrow, leading to reduced levels of red and white blood cells, putting patients at risk of infection. In addition, because the drug is not readily soluble in blood, it is typically dissolved in castor oil, which has caused severe ? and sometimes fatal ? allergic reactions.

The drug delivery system used in this study makes use of nanoparticles called micelles developed by Kit Lam, professor and chair of the UC Davis Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine and a co-author of the article. Micelles are aggregates of soap-like molecules that naturally form a tiny spherical particle with a hollow center. The researchers incorporated specific targeting molecules ? called ligands ? into the micelle structure. These ligands, developed by UC Davis researchers, were successfully shown in earlier studies to preferentially bind to bladder cancer cells derived from dogs and humans.

In addition to the cancer-targeting ligands, the micelles were loaded with paclitaxel. Experiments were run on mice receiving different dosages of the drug: the standard dosage currently used for therapy, and another dosage three times that amount. Mice receiving the standard dosage had significantly less tumor growth and longer overall survival compared to control mice who received a saline solution instead of drug therapy. Mice that received the high dosage took the longest time to develop a tumor and had the most days of tumor control. They also had nearly three times longer survival than mice that received drug therapy in the conventional way ? without the use of the nanoparticle delivery system. The high dosage conferred few side effects and no deaths.

"The prognosis for advanced bladder cancer has not changed for three decades," said Pan. "Our findings have the potential to significantly improve outcomes."

Mice used in the experiments were specially injected with human bladder cancer cells obtained directly from patients with the disease. This technique is believed to make the study results more clinically relevant than the more common method of using cancer cell lines that have been maintained in laboratories for research purposes for long periods of time. According to the study authors, the transplanted tumors were highly aggressive cancers.

In other experiments, the researchers loaded the bladder-cancer-homing micelles with a fluorescent imaging dye instead of paclitaxel. The imaging results proved that the micelles were targeting the bladder cancer cells and indicated that the technique may have clinical applications for diagnosis and monitoring therapy.

"These research findings are extremely exciting on many levels," said Ralph deVere White, director of the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center and a study author. "We have very promising results using a novel technology that may offer a new approach to treating a variety of very difficult-to-treat cancers. I look forward to seeing this approach move forward in clinical trials."

The article is titled, "Tumor-targeting multifunctional micelles for imaging and chemotherapy of advanced bladder cancer." The other study authors are Tzu-yin Lin, Yuan-Pei Li, Hongyong Zhang, Tingjuan Gao and Kit Lam, all of UC Davis; Juntao Luo of SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, New York; and Neal Goodwin of Jackson Laboratory in Sacramento.

This study was supported by the Veterans Administration Career Development Award-2, the National Cancer Institute Cancer Center Support Grant P30 (P30 CA093373) and the Cancer Clinical Investigator Team Leadership Award.

UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center is the only National Cancer Institute-designated center serving the Central Valley and inland Northern California, a region of more than 6 million people. Its specialists provide compassionate, comprehensive care for more than 9,000 adults and children every year, and access to more than 150 clinical trials at any given time. Its innovative research program engages more than 280 scientists at UC Davis, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Jackson Laboratory (JAX West), whose scientific partnerships advance discovery of new tools to diagnose and treat cancer. Through the Cancer Care Network, UC Davis collaborates with a number of hospitals and clinical centers throughout the Central Valley and Northern California regions to offer the latest cancer care. Its community-based outreach and education programs address disparities in cancer outcomes across diverse populations. For more information, visit


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Friday, October 26, 2012

Britain says opposed to strike on Iran "at this moment"

LONDON (Reuters) - Britain said on Friday it was opposed to a military strike on Iran "at this moment" over its disputed nuclear program, arguing sanctions were having an effect and diplomacy should be given time.

The comments followed a report by Britain's Guardian newspaper which said Britain had rebuffed U.S. plans to use its bases to support the build-up of troops in the Gulf, due to legal advice warning that a pre-emptive strike would be illegal.

The legal advice says Iran currently does not represent a "clear and present threat", according to the Guardian, which cited unnamed sources.

"The government does not believe military action against Iran is the right course of action at this moment, though no option is off the table," Prime Minister David Cameron's spokeswoman told reporters, declining to comment on the legal advice.

"We want to see the sanctions, which are starting to have some impact, working, and also engaging with Iran," she said.

The Guardian said Britain had not received a formal U.S. request to use its bases for a military build-up.

Cameron and Western diplomats believe harsh sanctions imposed on Iran by the West are beginning to weaken Tehran's resolve and to stoke public discontent, and that military action would reverse the trend and rally Iranians to the government.

Israel and the West believe Iran is trying to achieve nuclear weapons capability. Tehran says its program is for purely civilian, energy purposes.

Years of diplomacy and sanctions have failed to resolve the dispute, raising fears of Israeli military action against its arch foe and of a new Middle East war.

Talks between the West and Iran could take place after the November 6 United States presidential election, following three inconclusive rounds this year.

The appetite for conflict is low in cash-strapped Britain, as well as in the United States, after recent costly wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In Israel, support for unilateral military action soon against Iran is by no means universal, and several prominent public figures have spoken out against such a move.

(Reporting by Mohammed Abbas; Editing by Pravin Char)


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(Ventura, CA ? September 19, 2012) The Ventura County Writers? Weekend needs volunteers to help in a variety of positions for this year?s event, to be held Saturday and Sunday, November 3 & 4 at the Pleasant Valley Senior Center in Camarillo. The event is open to the public and will host two days of educational seminars.
The Pacific Institute for Professional Writing, producer of the event, is asking for the public?s support by volunteering. As a nonprofit organization, the community?s involvement welcomed and appreciated. The Ventura County Writers Club (VCWC), Ojai Writers Conference, Mystery Writers of America SoCal chapter, Independent Writers of Southern California and the Small Publishers, Artists and Writers Network (SPAWN) are co-sponsors.


Volunteer positions include: ticket takers, registration desk, poster and flier distribution, and more. Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer should sign up on the volunteer page of the website:


To learn more about the Writers? Weekend, visit: or contact Kate Sexton, Event Coordinator, at, or by calling 805-633-1506.
The Pacific Institute for Professional Writing is a California 501 (c) (3) corporation. The mission and goals of Institute are:
To bridge the unpublished with the professional community of editors, agents and publishers

To publish exceptional works of fiction and nonfiction that benefit the community
To produce quality events for the writing community and book lovers.
To inspire a curiosity for written and performance related vision
To deliver professional level education on all types of writing
To encourage all new forms of written communication
To demonstrate effective written communication
To mentor the next generation of writers
To learn more about the Institute, visit:

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Obama unveils economic plan: 5 ways it differs from Romney's

The little blue 'new economic patriotism' booklet is President Obama's answer to Mitt Romney's 5-point plan ? and to voters who want to know what he would do with a second term.

By Mark Trumbull,?Staff writer / October 24, 2012

President Obama holds up a copy of job plan during a joint campaign appearance with Vice President Joe Biden, not seen, on Tuesday at Triangle Park in Dayton, Ohio.

Al Behrman/AP


President Obama is campaigning with a new weapon in his hand ? a little blue booklet that amounts his answer to Mitt Romney's "five point plan."

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To critics on the conservative side, the new Obama blueprint for a second term contains little that would count as a big idea or a new idea. Rather, they say it's a symbol that Mr. Obama is waking up, belatedly, to the notion that voters want something from a candidate other than criticism of one's opponent.

It's true that Obama's "new economic patriotism" document, subtitled "A plan for jobs & middle class security," doesn't contain many new proposals. What it may accomplish is simply to offer a rebuttal to Mr. Romney's message that he has a plan and Obama doesn't.

Obama's aim may be to persuade undecided voters of two things. First is that he has some sensible ideas for a second term, including joining Romney in a few. (Obama partially embraces increasing domestic oil and gas production.) The second is that his Republican rival has plans that could prove risky for the economy and the middle class. ("I will never turn Medicare into a voucher," Obama says prominently in the document.)

Both candidates are distilling their agendas into bullet points designed to appeal to the relatively small pool of independent voters who remain up for grabs.
In many ways, the contrast between the two can be summed up in familiar terms: The Republican calls for smaller government, while the Democrat defends a larger or more activist federal role.

Here's a look at a report that amounts to Obama's answer, point by point, to Romney's five-point plan.?


Obama says he wants to see the US create 1 million new manufacturing jobs by the end of 2016. The lead item on his agenda here is corporate tax reform (cutting rates, while offsetting that revenue loss by closing loopholes in the current tax code). The president calls for a new tax credit "for companies that bring jobs home."

He also urges training 2 million workers through new partnerships between community colleges and employers, and creating a network of business-university "manufacturing innovation institutes" to keep US industries on the cutting edge.

In all, his goal of 1 million new jobs sounds like a slight boost from the recent pace of job creation. (Obama's booklet notes that half a million manufacturing jobs have been added in the past 2-1/2 years.)

Manufacturing isn't a category in Romney's five-point plan, but his plan also seeks to boost this important sector of the economy. Romney has his own version of corporate tax reform, which he says would lure employers (US and foreign) to set up more production in America.

"Trade that works for America," is one of Romney's agenda items. Like Obama, he says he'd seek to curtail "unfair trade practices" by China and other nations. Where Obama has an enforcement effort under way, Romney implies he'd go further in getting tough on China ? naming that country a currency "manipulator" on Day 1 of his administration.

Where Obama emphasizes willingness for government to make strategic investments, Romney says that investing in companies is "the wrong way to go." He supports basic science research, but isn't backing Obama-style innovation institutes. He calls for streamlining some 47 US job-training programs, while focusing them "on building valuable skills that align [job seekers] with opportunities."


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Outsourcing Success Secrets 10/24 by Scott Fox | Blog Talk Radio

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    We have Grammy award winning record producer Mr bangladesh for a special 2 hour special promoting his new artist and music career

  • Marx & Julie chat with British filmmaker Chris Stone, the writer & director of the Victorian vampire web series turned feature film called Blood and Bone China. As if that wasn't enough, we also speak to our featured indie music artist of the week, Birthrite.

  • Native American Movement founder Russell Means was laid to rest yesterday at his home on Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota. He is remembered with comments, stories, and prayers.

  • Lori Saitz is a nationally recognized expert in using gratitude to boost client retention and increase referral business. She is the founder of Zen Rabbit, which is a concierge type company specializing in helping business professionals ?multiply profits

  • Gus Speth, author of AMERICA THE POSSIBLE,shares his vision of comprehensive and deep change rooted in a political economy that sustains people, communities and nature. Long time Washington insider, he now is part of the protest movement.

  • One of Radio One?s top DJs, DJ Kayotik will be on with us to talk about career, current mixtape KAYOTIK KHRONIKLES VOL. 1, and youth organization.

  • Queen Afua, has been an expert in Wholisitc Health, a lecturer/author for 40 years. She'll discuss the 21 Detoxification Process & the work she's doing in Detroit for the next year. Kilindi Iyi, world renowned lecturer and Master of The African Martial Art

  • Mothyna James-Brightful-Global freedoms and empowerment campaign for domestic violence awareness-Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation. Dawn-Marie Hanrahan is a #1 Bestselling Author, TranSpirational Speaker and Spiritual Leader, who travels the world educating others

  • Health & Fitness is on tap when International Fitness Model Charles Flanagan and IFBB Pro Fitness competitor Donna Jones from Australia tackle everything from nutrition & exercise to the psychology of living well, Speaking to callers LIVE

  • Stacey Monroe welcomes Rico and J-Rod from the group Recognition to E! GEMZ! Radio to speak about their music career and life. How did they two become Recognition? What did they both give up in order to pursue there music career? Tune in to see what they have

  • Big Blend Radio talks with outdoorsman and naturalist Jay Erskine Leutze about his acclaimed book STAND UP THAT MOUNTAIN: The Battle to Save One Small Community in the Wilderness Along the Appalachian Trail.

  • Teen Hosts McMillen, Janae, Jackie, Jessica, and Salwa discuss common sex myths. Our guests, Crystal Collette and Caitlin Mcardle from Planned Parenthood, are here to give us the facts.

  • This week on the BIG show, host Tim Gordon will talk with writer/director Matthew Cherry about his upcoming drama, The Last Fall. The semi-autobiographical tale tell the story of an NFL journeyman who struggles to deal with life's after the game.

  • Super Role Model, Valerie Jeannis, heralded as ?the Catalyst?, joins the Feminine Soul Radio show and talks about her new book I Am Beautiful: Changing the Way You See Yourself. Valerie will inspire you to say yes to your life and take action on your dreams.

  • In the dark, driving tasks like looking at other vehicles ahead and reading road signs are more difficult for some drivers. With the end of daylight savings only eight days away, tune into Healthy Vision? with Dr. Val Jones to learn how to take better care of your eyes ? and your car ? to improve your nighttime driving.

  • Legendary singer, Tony Bennett kicks off our new Storytellers series with a special live interview. Join hosts Eric Olsen (@amhaunted) of America?s Most Haunted and Chitra Agrawal, BlogTalkRadio?s own Director of Marketing, for the premiere.

  • The Phantom Zone Radio Show welcomes actor, screenwriter, and film editor, Camden Toy. He is best known as a character actor in the series, Buffy The Vampire Slayer and it's spinoff series, Angel.

  • Join Weigh In Sports as they talk to the CEO of Magazine Robin Bayless as they go over the new BCS standings, the founding of the magazine in such a competitive market, the writers and much more.

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    Wednesday, October 24, 2012

    Toyota Seeks to Undercut Mexico?s Action on Global Warming - Huffington Post (blog)

    Toyota Seeks to Undercut Mexico's Action on Global Warming
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    Mexican Flag The foundation of international action to address global warming is built with the actions that countries take at home to reduce their global warming pollution. Despite the ups and downs of international global warming negotiations we have ?

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    MIT researchers use algebraic equation that improves WiFi and LTE data streams: boosts speed, reduces network congestion

    MIT researchers use algebraic equation to weave WiFi and LTE data streams to boost speed, reduce network congestion

    Dodging the issues of spectrum auctions and more cell towers, researchers at MIT have discovered that they can use an algebraic equation to improve data speeds by reducing dropped packets. It's these dropped packets that can build up congestion across a wireless network, as devices attempt to recoup these missing data nuggets. But instead of sending typical packets, MIT's Research Laboratory of Electronics created an equation that describes a series of packets. If a packet fails to deliver, then the receiving device is apparently able to "solve" the missing chunk, with the processing load on phones, routers and base stations apparently negligible.

    The tech, which can also seamlessly transition a data stream between wireless internet and LTE, has already been tested on WiFi networks over at MIT; when two percent of data packets were dropped, speeds were boosted from 1Mbps to 16Mbps. If five percent of packets were being lost, the researchers then saw bandwidth increase from 0.5Mbps to 13.5Mbps. Companies are apparently already licensing the tech, although MIT isn't revealing more on this just yet. Muriel Medard, project lead, said that there were currently "very severe inefficiencies that should be remedied before you consider acquiring more resources" -- namely more spectrum and hardware, although the gains seen in these early tests are yet to be replicated in real life. There's more on the science and development at the source link below.

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    MIT researchers use algebraic equation that improves WiFi and LTE data streams: boosts speed, reduces network congestion originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 24 Oct 2012 07:15:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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    Robots to tend lettuce fields, saving farmers? backs

    5 hrs.

    Robots built and programmed to perform tedious, back-breaking tasks such as thinning and weeding lettuce fields could make labor shortages on the farm a distant nightmare for industrial agricultural operations of tomorrow.

    Such a machine, known as the Lettuce Bot, is under development at Blue River Technologies, a company headed by a pair of Stanford University-trained engineers and backed by?marquee Silicon Valley investors including Kholsa Ventures and startup guru Steve Blank, the Economist reports.

    At the heart of the robot is a computer-vision algorithm that compares snapshots of lettuce rows taken by a camera on the tractor to a database of more than a million images. The technology is able to distinguish individual heads of lettuce and weeds.?

    When the machine identifies a weed or a head of lettuce growing too close to another one, it hits them with a dose of highly-concentrated fertilizer.?In high concentrations, fertilizer can be as potent as pesticide, the Economist explains. The dose kills off the weed or unwanted head of lettuce, then gets diluted enough in the ground to nourish nearby plants.

    The robot is expected to debut on the market in 2013. Other technologies in the works at Blue River?include a robot that kills weeds with a rotating blade instead of the fertilizer, which should appeal to organic farmers who eschew industrial fertilizers.

    ? via Economist?

    John Roach is a contributing writer for NBC News Digital. To learn more about him, check out his website. For more of our Future of Technology series, watch the featured video below.


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    Dive Right Into the Largest Ever Image of Our Galaxy's Centre

    You are looking at more than 84 million stars, the largest ever catalogue of the centre of our galaxy, the Milky Way. Astronomers at the Paranal Observatory in Cerro Paranal, Chile, stitched the 9 gigapixels of the original image from thousands of individual infrared pictures.You can see the full, zoomable version here. More »


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    Iran looks to Silk Road ties in time of sanctions

    FILE - In this file photo taken on Wednesday, Oct.17, 2012, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks to journalists during a press conference in Kuwait, where he attends the first summit of the Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD). Even as U.S. and European sanctions tighten around Iran's economy, officials in Tehran are busy reaching out to Asian markets as a critical lifeline. For months, Iran's oil sales to energy-hungry nations such as China and India have been the focus of intense Western pressure to reduce the flow as part of pressure over Iran?s nuclear program. (AP Photo/Gustavo Ferrari, File)

    FILE - In this file photo taken on Wednesday, Oct.17, 2012, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks to journalists during a press conference in Kuwait, where he attends the first summit of the Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD). Even as U.S. and European sanctions tighten around Iran's economy, officials in Tehran are busy reaching out to Asian markets as a critical lifeline. For months, Iran's oil sales to energy-hungry nations such as China and India have been the focus of intense Western pressure to reduce the flow as part of pressure over Iran?s nuclear program. (AP Photo/Gustavo Ferrari, File)

    In this Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012 photo released by the official website of the Iranian Presidency Office, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, left, shakes hand with his Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham Aliev, while he attends Economic Cooperation Organization, ECO, summit in Baku, Azerbaijan. Even as U.S. and European sanctions tighten around Iran's economy, officials in Tehran are busy reaching out to Asian markets as a critical lifeline. For months, Iran's oil sales to energy-hungry nations such as China and India have been the focus of intense Western pressure to reduce the flow as part of pressure over Iran?s nuclear program. (AP Photo/Presidency Office, Mohsen Rafinejad)

    In this Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012 photo released by the official website of the Iranian Presidency Office, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, center, make his way with Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari, right, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliev, second left, and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, during Economic Cooperation Organization, ECO, summit in Baku, Azerbaijan. Even as U.S. and European sanctions tighten around Iran's economy, officials in Tehran are busy reaching out to Asian markets as a critical lifeline. For months, Iran's oil sales to energy-hungry nations such as China and India have been the focus of intense Western pressure to reduce the flow as part of pressure over Iran?s nuclear program. (AP Photo/Presidency Office, Mohsen Rafinejad)

    (AP) ? In back-to-back Asian summits this month, Iran's president made sure to carve out special time to look east.

    At one gathering in Azerbaijan, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad reminded the president of Kazakhstan about the vision of a railway linking the heart of Central Asia with Iran's warm ports. At another meeting in Kuwait, he held talks with Tajikistan's leader about their growing trade ties.

    Even as U.S. and European sanctions tighten around Iran's economy, officials in Tehran are busy reaching out to Asian markets as a critical lifeline. For months, Iran's oil sales to energy-hungry nations such as China and India have been the focus of intense Western efforts to reduce the flow as part of pressure over Iran's disputed nuclear program.

    Yet lesser ? but not insignificant ? economic pathways for Iran also run along the ancient Silk Road connecting China and the Middle East. While Iranian trade and projects in Central Asia are tiny compared with oil sales to the continent's economic powerhouses, the outreach represents another way for Tehran to seek economic buffers from sanctions in a region where Washington holds relatively limited sway.

    It also displays some of Iran's first steps at trying to diversify its economy away from oil ? which still represents 80 percent of foreign currency revenue ? and develop backyard markets for its construction and technology industries.

    "The Iranian economy is so strong that it could live without oil revenues," said Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at a pan-Asian summit last week in Kuwait. "Our people could get accustomed to that and I think that things will change in the near future."

    On Tuesday, Iranian Oil Minister Rostam Qasemi told an energy conference in Dubai that Iran has contingency plans to run the country without the critical oil revenue, including investments in solar and other renewable sources.

    While Iran is a long way off from functioning without its oil income ? and may never reach that stage ? the remarks reflect real ambitions to turn Central Asia into a key market for Iranian goods and technological expertise while offering the landlocked former Soviet republics access to the sea.

    In August, carmaker Iran Khodro announced plans to boost exports to Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. In Tajikistan, Iranian construction firms are major builders with projects such as hydroelectric power stations and a $39 million tunnel that connects the capital Dushanbe to northern Tajikistan.

    But the centerpiece of the Islamic Republic's outreach ? an uninterrupted rail link through Central Asia ? remains caught up in disputes and competing ventures more than 15 years after the first leg was opened between Iran and neighboring Turkmenistan.

    Last month, Turkmenistan's president, Gurbanguli Berdymukhamedov, abruptly canceled a reported $700 million contract with Iran's Pars Energy to continue the rail line to Kazakhstan along the Caspian Sea coast. The reasons were unclear, but Turkmenistan has been reviewing its deep trade ties with Iran as Western sanctions widen.

    Meanwhile, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan have expressed interest in joining a rail project running from Azerbaijan's Caspian Coast to the eastern Turkish area of Kars. Such a railway would bypass Iran and still provide the sea access coveted by the Central Asian states.

    "Iran has no choice but to turn to Asia for trade" because of the Western sanctions, said Sasan Fayazmanesh, an economic affairs expert and head of the Middle East Studies Program at California State University, Fresno. "But that, of course, will not solve Iran's problem of selling its oil since the Central Asian countries, for the most part, do not need Iran's oil."

    But for Tehran, its overtures to Central Asia mean more than just a price tag.

    Iran has been a cultural point of reference for centuries across the ex-Soviet states through books, films and traditions dating back to Persia's pre-Islamic Zoroastrian faith. Iran's main Central Asian foothold, Tajikistan, also shares linguistic ties that give Iran an important commercial edge over China and Russia.

    A weak link for Iran, however, is the rifts within Islam. Much of Central Asia is Sunni Muslim and governments are cautious about any moves that could stir sectarian tensions with Shiite minorities. These same divides, in turn, help cement the influence of Shiite Iran in Iraq and parts of Afghanistan.

    "Iran's future in Central Asia and most of Afghanistan is constrained by the fact that its government is officially Shiite and nearly all the populations of these countries are Sunni," said Frederick Starr, chairman of our Central Asia-Caucasus Institute at Johns Hopkins University.

    "Both sides worked out a practical understanding of this issue shortly after the collapse of the USSR, which effectively keeps Iran from advancing its religious cause in the region," he added.

    At the same time, Iran is increasingly fearful that Washington could seek to build stronger ties in Central Asia following the planned withdrawal of NATO troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2014.

    Central Asia has been a stop for top U.S. envoys in the past year. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited Uzbekistan a year ago and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta traveled in March to Kyrgyzstan, where the U.S. already has an air base used for airborne refueling missions and as a transit point for troops in Afghanistan.

    "Iran's ruling elites are practically unanimous in their belief that the announced departure (from Afghanistan) is nothing but a cover for a strategic regrouping," wrote Nikolay Kozhanov, a regional affairs analyst at the Institute of the Middle East in Moscow.

    He also noted that the growing attention to the region has given Central Asian leaders more options.

    "These countries have undergone drastic changes in self-perception over the past decade," he wrote in an August essay for the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. "No longer do they see themselves as living in a landlocked, isolated region whose relations with the external world depend completely on Russia or Iran."


    Associated Press writer Ali Akbar Dareini in Tehran, Iran, contributed to this report.

    Associated Press


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    The Board Game Family Timeline - Card game review ? The Board ...

    Timeline card game

    Small container with a lot of history.

    How good are you with history?

    Do you know which came first ? gun powder or the clock?

    I can?t say that I ever loved studying history in school. But I?ve really enjoyed playing Timeline ? a fun family card game all about setting historical events in their proper place.

    How to play Timeline
    Timeline is a simple card game. Correctly determine where each of your cards go in the Timeline and you?ll win. The tricky part is making that determination.

    Every player is dealt a starting hand of cards. On each double-sided card is a historical event. It could be an invention, a discovery, a famous work, or a creation and such. On one side is just the name and an image of the item. On the other side is the same information but with the year that the item was made, discovered, or took place. The cards are dealt so players don?t see the side of the cards with the year printed on it.

    Timeline card game

    Guess where you think it fits.

    One card is then turned over in the center of the table so the year is shown. In turn, players select a card from their hand and chose where they think it should go in the timeline. The player places the card in the timeline where they think it goes, then they flip it over to show the year. If they were correct, the card stays in place and the next player takes a turn. If the card is in the wrong place, it?s discarded and the player takes another card from the draw stack to add to their hand.

    The first player to get rid of all their cards wins.

    At the start of the game the choices are rather simple. Does your card go before or after the initial card laid out? But as more cards are played, the options and choices get more complex.

    For such a simple game, we love how much discussion it generates while playing.

    Timeline card game

    Each card played creates more choices.

    Can the whole family enjoy Timeline?
    Most of the family will be able to enjoy Timeline. Obviously the older players are going to have an upper hand simply because they will have a better context on history and when certain events occurred. However, that still isn?t any guarantee that parents will beat teenagers. With kids rolling through history classes, their memories may be a lot more fresh than the elders.

    But even though Timeline is a card game more suited to the older kids and adults, that doesn?t mean younger kids can?t enjoy it too. Even though Brooke may not have a good grasp on what centuries certain events occurred, she still enjoys guessing and seeing how it turns out.

    Timeline card game

    Who can place their cards first?

    I don?t know how much memorizing goes on with the kids, because I haven?t been able to detect much of that yet even with the various times we?ve played Timeline. But parents could look at Timeline as learning game as well ? to help give their children a frame of reference for a wide range of historical occurrences.

    It?s also nice and compact, which makes it easy to take along on the road or when you?re getting together with friends or family ? like we did on our recent trip.

    How does Timeline score on the ?Let?s Play Again? game meter?
    Timeline scores well on the ?Let?s play again? game meter because of how simple and easy it is to play. You don?t have to worry about set up time or remembering complex rules. Simply pull deal out the cards and start guessing where they go. And when one game ends, there are still plenty of cards left that haven?t been touched, so why not just keep going?

    Timeline card gameAsmodee has also published a couple of expansions of Timeline that we think would be great to pick up ? Timeline: Discoveries and Timeline: Historical Events. It could be pretty cool mixing them all together.

    Other great family card games:



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    Thursday, October 18, 2012

    Slleuthing casts doubt on 'Gospel of Jesus' Wife'

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    Slleuthing casts doubt on 'Gospel of Jesus' Wife'
    A copied error from an online translation of the Gospel of Thomas may be the "smoking gun" that strongly suggests the Gospel of Jesus' Wife, a controversial papyrus fragment that supposedly refers to Jesus being married, is a forgery, scholars say.

    Source: NBCnews
    Posted on: Wednesday, Oct 17, 2012, 8:25am
    Views: 9


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    Apple reportedly buys Bill Nguyen's company. Again.

    Apple reportedly buys Bill Nguyen's company. Again. Wait... what?

    Apple has reportedly bought troubled, sometimes outright mocked, startup Color Labs for somewhere in the double-digit millions, or at least enough to pay off investors' who forked over $41 million to date. Color Labs was founded by entrepreneur Bill Nguyen, the same entrepreneur who also founded Lala, which was also sold to Apple, also for double-digit millions. So clearly, winning strategy. Ken Yeung and Matthew Panzarino of The Next Web have the story, and a theory as to why Apple would fill Nguyen's wallet. Again.

    We would look to Color?s patents, which may include one for a file format that they were working on to record HD video. Color said that it had six patents pending at the time of its funding, including its ?elastic? social graph and patents related to GPS location and battery saving. Or its software engineering team could be the target, if Apple was impressed by their work.

    Developer Daniel Jalkut also wrote on his Bitsplitting blog that additional patents could be at play:

    Interestingly enough, Color has apparently only recently published several patent applications related to sharing of information among ?device groups.? The applications listed are all published within the past month and a half, and all feature iPhone-like art in the supporting illustrations.

    This would be the third alternate ending for Color Labs reported this week, with VentureBeat originally claiming Color was shutting down, and TechCrunch then claiming twas not so.

    If Apple did indeed buy Color Labs, and Nguyen returns to Apple, it'll be interesting to see how long he lasts this time, or how long it takes him to leave an create a company names after a smell or flavor.

    Source: The Next Web, Bitsplitting


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