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Monday, February 27, 2012

Nokia pins hopes on new handsets (AP)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]AP - Struggling cell phone maker Nokia Corp. has unveiled two new handsets that it hopes will revive its fortunes at the start of world's largest mobile phone trade show on Monday.


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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Friday Roundtable: Is Traditional Handheld Gaming Doomed ...

Posted by Declan Burrowes on Friday, February 24, 2012 ? 5 Comments?

Is It Time We Replaced the Batteries?

Can the direct descendants of the Game Boy survive in this new decade? It?s a valid question: since the rise of the iPhone and its competitors, smartphone gaming has grown from strength to strength, and at a remarkable pace. Once the exclusive item of the technophilic gearhead, today the smartphone is approaching ubiquity. With a few slides and flicks, ?we can call our friends, send emails, check the weather, take pictures, manage our back accounts, listen to music, watch films and even play games, all on a single pocket-sized mobile device. Who in their right mind, then, would bother to fork out another two hundred notes for a dedicated gaming platform that only does one or a few of these things?

How long can Mario and friends prop up the handheld sub-industry? As smartphones increasingly integrate into gaming culture with thousands of cheap, good-quality games in tow, will gamers look away from the 3DS and Vita to their mobiles instead?

In this week?s Friday Roundtable, read the fine words of Apple/Microsoft correspondent Tom Rippon; Sony correspondent Rexly Penaflorida II; Editor-in-Chief and Nintendo expert Martin Watts; and Sony/Microsoft correspondent Sebastian Force. As always, we welcome your comments and discussions in the appropriate section below.?

* ?* ?* ?*


Is this the future of the handheld market?


As somebody who plays iOS games at an almost religious level, I think that ?classic? handheld consoles, for lack of a better term, will only die out or become less valuable if people consciously let them.

Sure, you could argue that by buying iPhones and downloading games like Infinity Blade, you?re putting the 3DS out of business, but that?s just not realistic. iOS devices, Android phones, and everything in between, are not attempts at monopolising the games industry. Far from it. We discussed in a past Friday Roundtable whether we thought Apple are putting other games companies in danger and the consensus was that?they?re not, because people don?t want them to, and Nintendo and Sony fans are continuing to invest in their products instead of ditching them for sole dedication to mobile gaming.

Need I remind you of the Nintendo DS?s exceptional sales??Despite doing undeniably well throughout its lifespan, in all its incarnations, it still hasn?t run Sony?s handheld consoles out of business, and with good reason. Handheld gaming will continue to be a diverse platform, with every company bringing something new to the table. It will change slowly, maybe quickly in some sections, and its popularity may rise and fall as other ways to play enter and perhaps leave the market. But Sony, Nintendo, and even Microsoft (perhaps in the future), will always have the opportunity to create successful and popular handheld gaming platforms, as long as they don?t fear competition too much.

Can both the traditional handheld and the gaming-enabled smartphone coexist?


I agree with Tom, but I?m going to try explain it in a different way. While I don?t call myself an avid iOS gamer, there are about twelve or thirteen games on my iPhone, most of which I only play when I?m either a) bored of playing my console games or b) somewhere where I am unable to play console titles. Now if I had a Vita or a 3DS, I would be playing games on those instead of playing on my phone. I?m not hating on mobile games at all. I just have more fun playing games on a device that specifically handles games more than playing on my phone that holds a lot of other functions other than gaming.

I don?t see the mobile platform monopolizing the portable gaming industry any time soon. If anything, it just expands the already immense market of games-on-the-go. Like Tom said, Sony and Nintendo (and maybe even Microsoft) can still have a firm stake in the ground for portable gaming. As long as I still see people waiting in line with their 3DS, Vitas or iPhones, I believe that portable gaming will continue to thrive for a long time.


Much like Rexly said, I can see there being a market for dedicated handheld systems for some time to come ? there?s no denying that Nintendo has its fans, and that the PSP is currently a very viable system in Japan.

What this comes down to for me is affordability. Many times, I?ve heard the analogy ?I?d rather pay ?35 for one great game than have 40+ low-quality games?. This just doesn?t add up. Firstly, not all iOS games are marked up at the ?0.69/$0.99 price point (Final Fantasy III will currently set you back ?11.99 for iPad in the UK). While I agree that there is a ton of low quality clones on the App store, many of the ?premium? games are as good as, if not better than, their dedicated handheld system equivalents. Games like Rainbow Six: Shadow Vanguard, ShadowGun and Infinity Blade really set the standard, and from a price point of view, they?re much greater value for money than most 3DS/Vita games. To get my point across, would you rather pay ?35 for Rayman 3DS (a port of Rayman 2) or pay around the ?15 mark for Infinity Blade II, Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation and 9mm?

Of course, the install base for Apple devices is far higher than that of either the 3DS or Vita, so it?s easy to see why App developers can opt for such a low price point.

The App Store has no doubt made gaming more accessible to a wider demographic, and yes, I imagine it is mostly used for casual gaming, but there?s no denying the increasing strength of hardcore gaming on these devices. Gameloft rolling in money is a prime example of that.

Nevertheless, I see this as growing with the market, not taking away from it.

Infinity Blade is an example of a premium-quality mobile game.


I feel I have put myself in a unique position. I recently gave up my iPhone for an Android phone (because I needed the space allowed by Android) and the area that I?ve missed most is the games. I have a 3DS, and as much as I am currently infatuated with?Super Mario 3D Land,?I just miss the diversity of iPhone games. The aforementioned?Infinity Blade?was extremely addictive, and compared to handhelds, very cheap for what it was offering. There are thousands of fantastic iPhone games, ranging from the simple to very deep and engaging ones. To dismiss the iPhone market is like dismissing Steam from PC gaming.

One thing that really, really bothers me about handhelds is game companies? pricing structure. Had the 3DS released for the lower price point at launch (and with more launch titles), it would have been embraced more by gamers, and Nintendo wouldn?t have had to experience the fiasco that was the ?Ambassador?s Club.?

But Sony is where things are taken to a ridiculous level: A customer came up to me at my workplace and asked for a Vita memory card. I had the extreme displeasure of informing him that it really didn?t make sense to buy a 4 GB card because he would run out of space extremely quickly. Eventually, he walked out with a 32 GB memory card for $100. Making people pay for a $100 proprietary memory card when SD storage is cheap and widely available is absurdly evil. Personally, I refuse to buy a Vita until the memory prices come down, because I think it is ridiculous and unnecessary to have to spend that kind of money. They managed to pull this on consumers with the PSP ? I didn?t stand for it then, and I?m not standing for it now.

The Vita: would we be foolish to call it Sony's last exclusively video-game focused handheld device?

But more importantly than that, this isn?t something that Apple tries to pull. Their devices are slightly more expensive, yes, but they aren?t tricking people by telling them that the device is cheaper, only to force their customers to use proprietary hardware for exorbitant amounts of money. Additionally, while Apple is known for their bizarre rules about what is allowed on the App store, it usually only revolves around things of a sexual nature. Beyond that, it?s really left up to the developers what they want to make. From a developer?s standpoint, this has to be immensely liberating. From a consumer?s standpoint, that means they have access to a lot of relatively cheap, fantastic games. Everyone is happy. It really is an entirely different arena to the 3DS and Vita market.

While I?ve made my choice with my Android phone and my 3DS, it?s still easy to see why iPhone users are happy with their handheld console of choice.


Seb has taken the words right out of my mouth. I couldn?t agree more about Nintendo?s 3DS launch blunder. The fact that they didn?t have a lot of launch titles, as well as their subsequent price drop in an attempt to gain favour with their fans, looks to me like they realised they screwed up and were kind of scared by that.

Person playing Asphalt on iPad

Is the iPad a viable, long-term gaming platform, or is it the expensive plaything of a very lucky few?

But at the same time, it?s always been that way. I remember buying the original DS when it first came out, and the only game I wanted to buy with it was The Legend of Zelda. I was really surprised by the lack of launch titles for the original system, but over time, I?ve come to accept that all consoles run that way.

That?s why Apple has the edge with their handheld gaming. They have so many developers, and so few restrictions, that there is no chance that somebody will buy an iPhone and find that there aren?t any games that appeal to them ? I spent an extra ?50 on games after shelling out ?500 for my iPad. It?s crazy, but at the same time, it felt good to get so many titles in one burst. There?s little to get bored of, and that?s why iOS devices are triumphing in the handheld market of late. But as I?ve said, there?s still room for Nintendo and Sony. They all provide such varied experiences for players, and with such a wide range of exclusives on each system, all can thrive in the same market.


Tom raises a great point about games on the App Store. The fact that anyone can find a game that appeals to them because of the huge diversity of titles is a fantastic thing for the industry and gamers; the best part is that some of these games are actually free. I think my running total for purchased games on my iPhone is about $50, but that is a small amount compared to the number of free games that I own and play.

Like I said before, Nintendo and Sony can still thrive in this market, and Tom mentioned exclusives for each brand, which I completely forgot about. These titles are sure to attract fans. However, I do think peripherals are a big issue and a problematic sticking point for traditional handhelds. Seb mentioned the pricing of the Vita memory, and that?s pretty serious.?The prices are ridiculous and if things don?t change, Sony might have to rethink their sales strategy if they want to compete with a new generation of smartphones in the long-term.

* ?* ?* ?*

Share Your Thoughts:?We?ve shared our thoughts and now it?s your turn. Is traditional handheld gaming doomed? Will the huge uptake of smartphones and the runaway success of the App Store and its counterparts be the killing blow to Sony and Nintendo?s duopolised market?


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Saturday, February 25, 2012

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

At work in Iraq with Anthony Shadid

Naseer Mehdawi, Anthony Shadid's closest Iraqi friend and journalism colleague, recalls their friendship and how together they told the story of Iraq.

Reporters are cantankerous, competitive and frequently catty. Yet Anthony Shadid's sad and untimely death has brought forth nothing but praise and admiration from every corner. An old friend reminded me yesterday of a conversation in 2006 in which I told her that "Shadid, hands down, is the best reporter working in Iraq." I suspect all of us who covered the war there said that at one time or another. Like all of us, of course, he had help, particularly from Naseer Mehdawi, the Iraqi colleague who worked with him on the stories that landed Anthony the 2004 Pulitzer.

Skip to next paragraph

?One of the reasons that Anthony inspired such love was his generosity of spirit and appreciation of others. He knew he wasn't out there alone. He wrote the following to Naseer in his copy of Anthony's 2006 book on Iraq, "Night Draws Near": "There is no better friend in this world, no colleague more loyal, no man who I admire more. This book should have your name on the cover! You are like my brother and always will be." Naseer has kindly shared his thoughts on Anthony and their collaboration below. - Dan Murphy

I remember the first time I met Anthony Shadid in February 2003. I had been working for The Washington Post in Baghdad with Rajiv Chandrasekaran and the photographer Michael Robinson Chavez. Anthony had joined Rajiv and me and Chavez. Rajiv introduced Anthony to me and told me that he was a great journalist. He had been working with another paper, but the Post hired him because he is the best. Then orders came from Phil Bennett, who was the Post?s assistant managing editor for foreign news at the time, that all the journalists of the Post should leave Iraq because the troops were gathering in the Gulf and the war would happen. But Anthony refused. He stayed and asked me if I would like to stay with him. I was very interested in journalism and looking at what might happen. Rajiv left with Chavez to wait in Kuwait. (They later returned after the war started.) It was only me and Anthony. Our driver was Karim Sadon. After that we were pretty much Anthony?s team, me and Karim. Everyone at the Post knew that we were Anthony?s guys.

I started my journey with Anthony looking for people expressing their feeling about what would happen. I had an instinct that the regime would collapse. I made up my mind to help him and support him. I took Anthony to Kadhamiya, a large Shiite neighborhood in Baghdad. All the people there hated Saddam because he was targeting them and killed many of their families during the uprising after the 1991 Gulf War. When I told Anthony about this, he was happy about the tip, and he started to get closer to me, to count on me. I had begun to think like Anthony, to know the kinds of stories he wanted, the people he wanted to meet. Anthony liked talking to people on the streets, the real people who were affected by Saddam and affected by the war. His confidence in me became stronger.

I remember that Saddam?s Information Ministry gave us an order to go to specific places. We refused. We went to forbidden places that no one dared to go except me and Anthony. At restaurants we?d talk about where to go next, all the places Saddam did not want us to see. We set out on daily trips with our brave driver, Karim, going to various parts of the country, meeting people, discussing issues, and making friends. We met workers at factories, farmers in the fields, government employees who were fed up with the restrictions of the regime, university students aspiring for an opportunity to be free and express their woes and dreams, clerics secluded inside their small mosques, and just simple, down-to-earth people. We listened to stories of women who had lost their husbands and sons in the many wars waged by the regime.


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Chris Brown earns musical redemption from Rihanna (Reuters)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Reuters - R&B singer Chris Brown has earned a measure of musical redemption and forgiveness from ex-girlfriend Rihanna by collaborating on new music together, three years after Brown pleaded guilty to assaulting the pop star.


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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

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The BIggest Risks To Skin Cancer | Arise for Social Justice

Almost everybody is aware of that skin most cancers is a very real possibility, however couple of are conscious of precisely how little it takes to prevent this probably lethal illness. Much more than one million people are recognized every yr with various forms of skin most cancers. Colorado Springs residents aren?t an exception to this statistic. Listed below are a few risk components you may not have previously considered. Continuous publicity to UV radiation, significantly if you?re unprotected at the time, puts you at much higher risk for this condition. There are several potential sources of UV radiation that you might not be aware of, too. Daylight is perhaps the biggest supply of this kind of radiation, but UV lamps, some welding equipment, and even phototherapy lamps can also place you in areas where the UV radiation occurs at a much higher concentration.

If you have a fair complexion, you?re at a much greater threat of skin cancer. Colorado Springs residents who don?t have naturally darker skin might find themselves coming down with this situation at much higher rates than those with different pigmentations. While this is not a main risk issue, it is certainly something to become conscious of each and every time you exit in the sun. Certain jobs might put you at greater risk of this condition. If your job entails coal tar or pitch too as arsenic compounds, radium, and even creosote, pores and skin most cancers is a really real possibility, and your employer ought to provide you ongoing screenings to ensure you are publicity rates have not been too higher.

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Monday, February 20, 2012

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According to the survey it has come to know that more than 40% of the individuals have plus size human body this is because individuals are not taking the stability eating plan on consistent basis. Individuals are eating too much on the other hand they do not perform tirelessly; they are not frequent in their work out manual, due to over eating individuals obtain too much body weight. Most of the individuals use best weight loss pills to vehicle.

People don?t like lose weight according to the health standards that is with the help of regular walk and exercise. People always like to use the shortcut methods so that they don?t have to work hard and for this they use the medicines. This will cause the health problems because people don?t know what they are going to take; the medicines which they use are not certified by health units. There are many best weight loss pills available in the market for this purpose.

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Always go ahead and take recommended pills never focus on the counter weight loss supplements because it may cause your well being. Prescription is check and modify within the latest labs and they?re design based on the health standards. They remove 25% of additional fats out of your body it?ll remove weight out of your body. They?re abnormal within this sense they may have some unwanted effects.

However over-the-counter also provide unwanted effects so that they don?t regard to be the greatest one also. Another medicine that is effect is herbal medicine because it has less unwanted effects as rival previous ones. They?re manufactured through the natural herbal treatments however the latest studies have shown that they?re very dangerous to the central nervous system. So while making comparison between your three we are able to state that natural supplements are the most useful weight loss pills.

Mark Taylor has been contributing to leading Weight loss magazine for the past 10 years. He wants to recommend best weight loss pills for fat burning which works very well.

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Boldest nuclear cutters recently? It's been GOP (AP)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Chart shows changes in numbers of deployed U.S. strategic nuclear weapons sinceAP - The Obama administration's consideration of severe cuts in nuclear weapons generated a flurry of GOP criticism — "reckless lunacy" in the words of Arizona Rep. Trent Franks. But the historical record shows that in the two decades since the Cold War ended, Republicans have been the boldest cutters of the nuclear arsenal.


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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Gene Linked to Start of Puberty (HealthDay)

WEDNESDAY, Feb. 15 (HealthDay News) -- Researchers report that they've discovered the importance of a particular gene in kicking off puberty in humans, a finding that offers insight into how the mysterious process begins and could help children who suffer from a rare disease that prevents the start of puberty.

An analysis of the DNA of a family whose members have suffered from the disease confirmed that the gene is vital because it paves the way for the body to process a hormone known as kisspeptin.

"Without kisspeptin, a human being cannot attain sexual characteristics of his/her gender and child-bearing capacity. Kisspeptin is absolutely required for the start of the puberty process in humans," said study author Dr. A. Kemal Topaloglu, of the department of pediatric endocrinology at Cukurova University in Adana, Turkey.

A mutation in the gene, the researchers found, can cause a rare condition called hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, in which children don't fully enter puberty.

Dr. William F. Crowley Jr., director of the Harvard Reproductive Endocrine Sciences Center at Harvard Medical School, said the condition affects no more than one in 10,000 children, and perhaps even fewer.

"They look like they're 12 years old, even when they're 20. They don't have a growth spurt and tend to be short, and the males don't shave," Crowley said.

In the new study, researchers examined the genetic makeup of a family in which four daughters had the disease. They linked the disease to a mutation in the gene that creates a receptor that processes the kisspeptin hormone.

The hormone can be used to make the brain produce hormones that stimulate the maturation of ovaries and testicles, Topaloglu said. Also, medications that shut down the hormone could be used to treat a condition that causes early puberty, he said, or serve as a contraceptive.

"Such drugs can also be used in the treatment of cancers that are stimulated by sex hormones, the most notably breast and prostate cancers," Topaloglu said.

The research could lead to alternative treatments for the puberty-preventing disease. Currently, hormone therapy is almost always a success when used to treat kids with the condition, but it's more difficult to enable them to have children of their own once they grow up, Topaloglu said.

As for the big question of what causes puberty, Crowley said the new findings help provide another clue. They show how the gene -- one of 19 -- helps turn on the pilot light that powers puberty, he said.

"This is a very rare cause of a very rare condition," he said. "But every piece of this puzzle winds up being very important to putting the whole thing together."

The study appears in the Feb. 16 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine.

More information

For more about puberty and adolescence, try the U.S. National Library of Medicine.


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You don?t have to be going far to benefit from the services of a professional moving company. With all of your worldly possessions getting packed up and transported from one property to another, it?s the management of the trip that matters, not the miles. That?s why, even for local moves, the proper care and handling of certified moving consultants comes highly recommended.

It?s one thing if you have a crew of true-blue, muscle-bound friends who are able and willing to help, a truck the size of a semi, and lots of free time to bundle up your every belonging, item by precious item, into boxes and haul them across town. But seriously, who has all of that? By hiring a moving company experienced in local moves, you?ll get everything you need, from appropriate cushioning materials such as furniture pads and shrink wrap to trained, professional haulers who will hand-pack each article in meticulous, efficient order.

Best of all, many local moving companies offer late-model, custom-built trucks with special features like air ride suspension. So whether you?re relocating across town or just around the corner, you can count on your household cargo being safe and secure from destructive bumps and potholes, as well as inclement weather. Even your most fragile possessions, including delicate antiques, pianos, and fine china, will ride out the journey intact, carefully stored and protected in sturdy crates and boxes.

The services, prices, and credentials of local movers can vary widely from company to company, so be sure to get estimates and check references before entrusting everything you own to their safekeeping. Look for uniformed professional movers who are certified by the American Moving and Storage Association (AMSA), and ask about what services are included when you move, including disassembly and reassembly of sizeable furniture pieces, detailed inventories, and blanket wrap. Many movers charge extra for incidentals such as stairs and weekends, so it?s good to get a detailed understanding of fees upfront. Also inquire about accommodations for any possessions you?d like to store, as some movers offer climate-controlled facilities for customers with storage needs.

Moving is stressful enough, no matter how far the distance to your new residence. So leave the time-consuming packing and labor-intensive lifting to an experienced and reputable local moving company. Unlike a crew of burly, well-meaning friends, professional movers will treat your belongings as if they were their own. And you?ll enjoy a smooth, hassle-free welcome to your brand-new home.

Maria Allen is a senior SEO advertiser for Prospect Genius. She specializes in home improvement issues and effective online marketing for local businesses.


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Monday, February 13, 2012

The Top Religion Stories This Week

This week showcased the best and worst of religion.. but we'll let you decide which stories are which.

The Vatican held its first conference on sexual abuse, "Towards Healing and Renewal." Clergy from around the world, and a handful of victims of sexual abuse attended the conference. In related news, retired Cardinal Egan regretted apologizing for how sexual abuse cases were handled while he was Bishop of Bridgeport in 2002. He claimed that he was not obligated to report abuse claims, and said, "I don't think we did anything wrong," the AP reports. Meanwhile, Obama's revised birth control policy has received support from a key Catholic group, the Catholic Health Organization. According to the new policy, religious employers will not be obligated to provide contraception coverage to their employees; instead the insurance companies will be directly responsible for providing free contraception, the AP reports.


On the flip side, the Department of Education recently determined that employees whose work is related to "religious instruction, worship services, or any form of proselytizing" will not qualify for loan forgiveness as part of the College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007. Clergy members across the country have launched an informal campaign to qualify for student loan forgiveness.

The Air Force removed the word 'God' from the logo of an Air Force acquisitions office, after objections by the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers. Many members of Congress are upset at this move; 36 of them signed a letter to the Air Force objecting.

Fr. Greg Boyle, Jesuit priest and founder and Executive Director of Homeboy Industries offered HuffPost Religion "Two Minutes of Wisdom" talking about his work and the motivation behind it. Check it out! His work inspired HufffPost Religion to launch Faith Inspires a weekly feature that will highlight people of faith who are creating an impact in society in this country and around the world. On that note, if you want to highlight the work of a religious or spiritual group, please email us at religion[at]huffingtonpost[dot]com or tweet us @HuffPostRelig with #FaithInspires.

Oprah Winfrey visited Hasidic Jews in Brooklyn to learn about their daily life and spiritual devotion. In a conversation with Rabbi Moti Seligson, she surprised us (and herself?) by saying, "I am more Hasidic Jew than I thought."

Meanwhile, Tamil Hindus celebrated the festival of Thaipusam. Unique to this celebration, devotees undergo extreme bodily mortification once their prayers are answered. HuffPost Religion has a gallery of striking photos -- check them out!

Noted singer Whitney Houston died on 11th of Feb. She was 48 years old. The night before she died, she sang, "Yes, Jesus Loves Me." Rest in peace, Whitney.

Finally, HuffPost Religion created a four-round bracket challenge to determine YOUR favorite Jesus movie. We are now in the second round of the challenge and you have until the 13th of Feb. 9 a.m. to ensure that your favorite Jesus movie make it to the penultimate round.

Vatican Holds Sexual Abuse Conference

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Feb. 6 marked the beginning of "Towards Healing And Renewal," a four-day Vatican global summit on sexual abuse. The purpose of the summit is aimed at preventing abuse and protecting children. This is an unprecedented gathering in the Catholic Church, bringing together hundreds of clergy as well as sexual abuse victims. While some have dismissed it as a public relations stunt, Marie Collins, one of the few sexual abuse victims to attend this conference says that it is an extremely important event. She said, "There must be acknowledgement and accountability for the harm and destruction that has been done."

Feb. 6 marked the beginning of "Towards Healing And Renewal," a four-day Vatican global summit on sexual abuse. The purpose of the summit is aimed at preventing abuse and protecting children. This is an unprecedented gathering in the Catholic Church, bringing together hundreds of clergy as well as sexual abuse victims. While some have dismissed it as a public relations stunt, Marie Collins, one of the few sexual abuse victims to attend this conference says that it is an extremely important event. She said, "There must be acknowledgement and accountability for the harm and destruction that has been done."


Vatican Holds Sexual Abuse Conference

Feb. 6 marked the beginning of "Towards Healing And Renewal," a four-day Vatican global summit on sexual abuse. The purpose of the summit is aimed at preventing abuse and protecting children. This is an unprecedented gathering in the Catholic Church, bringing together hundreds of clergy as well as sexual abuse victims. While some have dismissed it as a public relations stunt, Marie Collins, one of the few sexual abuse victims to attend this conference says that it is an extremely important event. She said, "There must be acknowledgement and accountability for the harm and destruction that has been done."

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

In Maine, Paul vies to extend Romney losing streak

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney speaks at a campaign stop, Friday, Feb. 10, 2012, in Portland, Maine. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney speaks at a campaign stop, Friday, Feb. 10, 2012, in Portland, Maine. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney speaks at a campaign stop, Friday, Feb. 10, 2012, in Portland, Maine. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney speaks at a campaign stop, Friday, Feb. 10, 2012, in Portland, Maine. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)

(AP) ? Mitt Romney hoped to avoid a fourth straight election setback Saturday in the GOP presidential nomination race, but feisty Ron Paul could extend that losing streak with a victory in Maine's caucuses.

Romney, the one-time front-runner, stepped up efforts to court Republicans in recent days, reflecting growing concern about the outcome of what has become a two-man race in Maine.

Neither Newt Gingrich nor Rick Santorum, who won in Missouri, Minnesota and Colorado on Tuesday, is actively competing in Maine, where party officials planned to declare a winner Saturday evening.

Paul was optimistic as he greeted morning caucus-goers in Sanford, where a few hundred Republicans gathered in a nearly-filled high school gymnasium.

"I think we have a very good chance," Paul said. Romney will "be better off if he wins it and I'm going to be a lot better off if I win. So this will give me momentum and it will just maintain his. It's a pretty important state as far as I'm concerned."

Romney wants Maine voters to help in his struggle to convince his party's conservative wing that he should be the candidate they back. The former Massachusetts governor said in a Washington speech Friday that he was "a severely conservative Republican governor."

He echoed that message in Sanford minutes after Paul left, and later in the day at a crowded Portland caucus.

"In my home with my mom and dad I learned conservative values," Romney said. "I want to ask you and the people of Maine for your vote. If I get your vote, it'll help me become our nominee. If I become our nominee, I'm going to beat this guy and bring America back."

Paul, a libertarian-minded Texas congressman, is fighting to prove he's capable of winning at all, particularly in a state where his campaign has focused considerable attention. He has scored a few top three finishes in other early voting states, but his strategy is based on winning some of the smaller caucus contests where his passionate base of support can have an oversized impact.

Paul suggested his candidacy was at a critical juncture. Asked whether he would stay in the contest until the GOP's national convention in August, he answered: "I'm going to stay in as long as I'm in the race. And right now I'm in the race."

There is no reliable polling to gauge the state of the Maine election, which drew fewer than 5,500 voters from across the state four years ago. But Romney's recent activities suggest a victory is by no means assured, despite the natural advantages of being a former New England governor competing in a state he won with more than 50 percent of the vote four years ago.

He changed his schedule Friday night to add personal appearances at two caucuses Saturday; he had planned to take the day off.

Romney faced a rowdy crowd at a town hall-style meeting in Portland Friday night, where one heckler was removed by police. Others asked pointed questions about his off-shore bank accounts, feelings about the nation's poor, and his continued support for the natural gas extraction process known as fracking.

On Saturday morning, he suggested that he's the only one in the race who isn't a Washington insider.

"I have never spent a day in Washington working," Romney said. "I expect to go there, get it fixed, and then go home. I'm not going to stay in Washington."

Some crowd members chanted, "Ron Paul," as Romney left the crowded gymnasium.

Maine's nonbinding presidential straw poll, which began Feb. 4, has drawn virtually none of the hype surrounding recent elections in Florida and Nevada, where candidates poured millions of dollars into television and radio advertising.

Romney and his allies spent a combined $15.9 million in Florida. But his campaign had placed only a small cable television ad buy airing Friday and Saturday, at a cost of several thousand dollars. But he sent surrogates to the state in recent days and hosted a telephone town hall in addition to Friday's campaign stop.

Maine's caucuses are spread over a week.

The state party will announce a winner Saturday evening, although a few contests will be held Sunday. Washington County, in the state's far eastern region, postponed its caucuses until Feb. 18 because of a snow storm, disappointing some participants.

Helen Saccone, who's from Lubec, said she understands that weather could create problems, but that those who wanted to caucus should have had the chance. "It's Maine. Life goes on when it snows in Maine," she said.

The rural region is likely stronger territory for Paul, who has been more active than Romney in the state.

Paul did reasonably well in Maine four years ago, earning more than 18 percent of the vote, and his support has grown since then in a state whose electorate isn't afraid to support candidates outside the mainstream.

The tea party, hardly a Romney ally, has exerted significant influence, taking over the GOP platform and helping to elect Gov. Paul LePage.

"Paul needs to show he can win somewhere," GOP strategist Phil Musser said. "My sense is a win in Maine for Romney would be nice. But to be honest, Ron Paul is camped out up there and he needs to win one."

The timing of the contest also raises the stakes.

The narrative coming out of Maine will likely reverberate in the political echo chamber for weeks, given there isn't another election until Arizona and Michigan host their contests Feb. 28. Romney hopes that narrative will be more positive than it has been over the last week, arguably his worst of the year.

Associated Press


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Friday, February 10, 2012

Skin Cancer Drug Reverses Alzheimer&#39;s Disease in Mice ...

Gary Landreth, Paige Cramer, and other researchers at Case Western Reserve have published results in the journal Science that an already approved drug bexarotene used for treating a type of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma has dramatically reversed memory loss and amyloid buildup in the brains of mice. Maria Carrillo of the Alzheimer?s Association comments.


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Thursday, February 2, 2012

ORNL, partners earn FLC honor for cookstove technology

ORNL, partners earn FLC honor for cookstove technology [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 2-Feb-2012
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Contact: Ron Walli
DOE/Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Envirofit International, the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Colorado State University have won a Federal Laboratory Consortium award for excellence in technology transfer for a clean-burning cookstove designed for the developing world.

The story began in 2007 when Envirofit and Colorado State approached ORNL in search of guidance for selecting a commercially available low-cost metal combustor alloy able to withstand harsh operating conditions. The combustor component in the Envirofit stove design had to resist temperatures up to 1,650 degrees Fahrenheit in the presence of corrosive compounds resulting from burning a variety of biomass. The metal cost could not exceed a few dollars per pound.

Mike Brady of ORNL's Materials Science and Technology Division led a team that identified a family of low-cost iron-based alloys with the potential to meet Envirofit's design targets. ORNL also assisted Envirofit in specifying alloy compositional tolerances needed to achieve durability targets without significantly increasing alloy cost.

Under a work for others agreement funded by Envirofit, ORNL provided ongoing alloy specification and impurity tolerance input, assisted with the design and interpretation of corrosion studies to assess the durability of candidate alloys. ORNL also performed advanced characterization of corrosion products on laboratory and field-tested metal components.

This knowledge transfer resulted in a joint patent disclosure between Envirofit and Colorado State University, and ORNL for the metal combustor component and cookstove assembly.

To date, more than 150,000 Envirofit G-3300 stoves have been sold in the developing world. These stoves reduce smoke and harmful gases by up to 80 percent, reduce fuel use by up to 60 percent and reduce cooking time by up to 50 percent compared to traditional cooking fires and stoves. The core technology developed for the G-3300 has now been integrated across six models of wood and charcoal stoves.

Brady noted that this success story illustrates technology transfer at its best as ORNL was able to quickly provide materials selection guidance by leveraging extensive experience in high-temperature materials. This expertise was gained under the Department of Energy's Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Industrial Technologies programs and Fossil Energy Advanced Research Materials programs.

Other ORNL members of the team were Larry Walker, David Stinton, Tim Theiss, Thomas Rosseel, Joe Marasco, Alex DeTrana and Frank Damiano. The award citation was for "Materials for a Low-Cost, Clean Cookstove."

DOE laboratories won a total of seven of the 23 FLC awards for 2012 with the other honors going to Argonne National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, National Energy Technology Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories. The awards will be presented May 3 at the FLC national meeting in Pittsburgh.


The FLC (, which was organized in 1974, is a nationwide network of federal laboratories that provides the forum to develop strategies and opportunities for linking laboratory mission technologies and expertise with the marketplace. Today, more than 250 federal laboratories and centers and their parent departments and agencies are FLC members.

More information about Envirofit is available at

UT-Battelle manages ORNL for DOE's Office of Science. The Office of Science is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States, and is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information, please visit

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ORNL, partners earn FLC honor for cookstove technology [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 2-Feb-2012
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Contact: Ron Walli
DOE/Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Envirofit International, the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Colorado State University have won a Federal Laboratory Consortium award for excellence in technology transfer for a clean-burning cookstove designed for the developing world.

The story began in 2007 when Envirofit and Colorado State approached ORNL in search of guidance for selecting a commercially available low-cost metal combustor alloy able to withstand harsh operating conditions. The combustor component in the Envirofit stove design had to resist temperatures up to 1,650 degrees Fahrenheit in the presence of corrosive compounds resulting from burning a variety of biomass. The metal cost could not exceed a few dollars per pound.

Mike Brady of ORNL's Materials Science and Technology Division led a team that identified a family of low-cost iron-based alloys with the potential to meet Envirofit's design targets. ORNL also assisted Envirofit in specifying alloy compositional tolerances needed to achieve durability targets without significantly increasing alloy cost.

Under a work for others agreement funded by Envirofit, ORNL provided ongoing alloy specification and impurity tolerance input, assisted with the design and interpretation of corrosion studies to assess the durability of candidate alloys. ORNL also performed advanced characterization of corrosion products on laboratory and field-tested metal components.

This knowledge transfer resulted in a joint patent disclosure between Envirofit and Colorado State University, and ORNL for the metal combustor component and cookstove assembly.

To date, more than 150,000 Envirofit G-3300 stoves have been sold in the developing world. These stoves reduce smoke and harmful gases by up to 80 percent, reduce fuel use by up to 60 percent and reduce cooking time by up to 50 percent compared to traditional cooking fires and stoves. The core technology developed for the G-3300 has now been integrated across six models of wood and charcoal stoves.

Brady noted that this success story illustrates technology transfer at its best as ORNL was able to quickly provide materials selection guidance by leveraging extensive experience in high-temperature materials. This expertise was gained under the Department of Energy's Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Industrial Technologies programs and Fossil Energy Advanced Research Materials programs.

Other ORNL members of the team were Larry Walker, David Stinton, Tim Theiss, Thomas Rosseel, Joe Marasco, Alex DeTrana and Frank Damiano. The award citation was for "Materials for a Low-Cost, Clean Cookstove."

DOE laboratories won a total of seven of the 23 FLC awards for 2012 with the other honors going to Argonne National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, National Energy Technology Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories. The awards will be presented May 3 at the FLC national meeting in Pittsburgh.


The FLC (, which was organized in 1974, is a nationwide network of federal laboratories that provides the forum to develop strategies and opportunities for linking laboratory mission technologies and expertise with the marketplace. Today, more than 250 federal laboratories and centers and their parent departments and agencies are FLC members.

More information about Envirofit is available at

UT-Battelle manages ORNL for DOE's Office of Science. The Office of Science is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States, and is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information, please visit

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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

New Sundance film lets a computer shuffle the plot every time (Yahoo! News)

whiteonwhite:algorithmicnoir uses a computer to create a new movie every time it's played

It's fun rewatching a?movie you love over and over again, but it sometimes gets old when you already know its plot twists like the back of your hand. Eve Sussman's new film overcomes this problem by telling a different story every time it's shown, thanks to a computer that edits it in real time.

The flick called?whiteonwhite:algorithmicnoir was recently shown thrice at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival, and each screening told a story vastly different from the other. According to Sussman and co-writer Jeff Wood, one screening was painful to watch, one was mediocre, and one was outstanding. Their secret lies in a program that strings full a movie together out of 3,000?video clips, 150 pieces of?music, and 80 voiceovers.

Installed on a Mac G5 computer tower they dubbed "serendipity machine," the program relies on tags to choose the clips it plays ? a process similar to how internet radio?Pandora works. So if the first clip the computer picks is tagged "science," the program looks for other clips with the same tag and chooses one among them as the next sequence.

Wood and Sussman admit that the program doesn't always work the way they expect it to, but that aspect lends the movie a semblance of reality. "We all have good days and bad days. We have moments where [something] interesting happens that you might try to hold onto, but you can't. In that way, [this film] is just like life," Sussman tells Wired.

whiteonwhite:algorithmicnoir focuses on a geophysicist named Holz, and has a predominantly chilly atmosphere emphasized by its grayish tone. It's inspired by classic sci-fi films?Alphaville by Jean-Luc Godard and?Solaris by Andrei Tarkovsky. After Sundance, the movie will be shown at the?Berlin International Film Festival and at the?Santa Fe SITE contemporary art space.


This article was written by Mariella Moon and originally appeared on Tecca

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