Sunday, December 30, 2012

Samsung faces some tough remedies in its ITC patent battle with Apple

On October 24th, ITC Judge Thomas Pender ruled that Samsung infringed on several Apple patents. But it wasn't until the release of? the full-length version of Pender's ruling on Friday, that it became apparent how damaging the decision could be to Samsung's U.S. business. If the ITC goes along and affirms Judge Pender's ruling, which the staff agrees with, Samsung could find some of its devices banned during a 60 day Presidential review period that would follow a final ITC decision. Pender's decision must be voted on by the six-member commission.

Samsung also could face at the same time, a cease and desist order that would prevent the company from selling large quantities of infringing products in the U.S. At the same time, Samsung could be required to post a bond equal to 88% of? the value of all mobile phones, 32.5% of the value of mobile players and 37.6% of the value of all tablets that were ruled to have infringed on Apple's patents, during the Presidential review period. Samsung argued that a royalty rate of 4.9% was more appropriate.

Thankfully for Samsung, Judge Pender did approve design changes made by the Korean manufacturer that worksaround the claims made by Apple. These designarounds allow Samsung to continue to sell certain products in the U.S. even in the face of the October decision. And one of the patents involved in this case, the so-called "Steve Jobs" patent, has been ruled invalid by the USPTO. Despite the designarounds, Samsung could still be required to post a bond on the devices that no longer infringe on Apple's patents. Even worse, customs could still hold up shipments of these products until the agency is 100% sure that an exclusion order doesn't apply to the re-designed devices.

These are just some of the remedies that could be used against Samsung. The commission still needs to vote on Pender's ruling, and the designarounds seem to mean that it is still business as usual in the states for Samsung, at least for now.

source: FOSSPatents


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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Microsoft Research head Craig Mundie to retire in 2014

Microsoft Research head Craig Mundie to retire in 2014

Microsoft Research boss Craig Mundie will step down in 2014, after working over 20 years in both Microsoft's security and R&D departments. The research arm has been run by Mundie since 2008, where he's been responsible for some pretty interesting projects, from early glimpses of Redmond's future to real-time multilingual translation. The day-to-day running of the department will be transferred to former chief technical strategy officer Eric Rudder, while Mundie will continue to advise CEO Steve Ballmer. According to the Seattle Times, the move is line with Microsoft's plans to focus on mobile and web-based developments, while the new role might give the veteran Mundie a little more time to work on his Japanese.

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Source: BBC, Seattle Times


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Become the Leader you Want to be ? Toastmasters and Leadership

News ? By Tom on December 29, 2012 at 3:15 pm

Leadership cannot be learned in a day. It takes practice. In Toastmasters, members learn leadership skills by organizing and conducting meetings and by completing projects in the leadership manuals. Projects address skills such as listening, planning, motivation and team building and give members the opportunity to practice them. Just as Toastmasters members earn to speak by speaking, they learn leadership by leading.

You lead by being an Agent of Change. Here, in Toastmasters, you become a leader by doing things that you love to do and by advancing in your chosen goal of communication. You inspire people by your progress, by your actions and by your ideas! You don?t get work done from others instead others work towards their own self improvement by observing you, deriving your energy and seeing the multiple capacities in you. Thus, you not only help you but, most importantly, you help others in improving thereby helping the organization achieve the purpose of its creation- Where Leaders Are Made!!


Recently, Toastmasters International introduced a new tagline to their logo ? ?Become the Leader you want to be.? For a movement that has always focused on improving communication skills, this is a subtle message that meant leadership is also given equal importance at Toastmasters. Most people join Toastmasters to improve communication skills and rightly so, however Toastmasters offers a leadership track that helps members discover their skills. This process takes place in such a silent manner that the member seldom sees the sea change in their personality whilst becoming a better leader.


Every new member is given two manuals as part of the Toastmasters Welcome Kit ? a Competent Communication manual and a Competent Leadership manual. The Competent Leadership (CL) manual forms the basis for honing leadership skills in Toastmasters.

Members are encouraged to take up roles during regular club meetings, during contests and during conferences and they are provided with feedback on their performance in each role. New members immediately feel at home in the club when they start taking up these roles. They may not yet have given their first speech but they are well on their way to realizing their leadership potential. This spurs members to take on more responsibility and eventually when they complete ten projects from the CL manual, they are awarded the Competent Leader award by Toastmasters International.


And the journey doesn?t end there, members are encouraged to take up more challenging leadership positions within the Toastmasters fraternity, that would help them truly become the Leader they want to be !


Whom to contact to know more about Toastmasters?

TM Jananee Ramakrishnan / TM Kartik Srinivasan

Mobile Number: 9791174242 / 8056174961

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Friday, December 28, 2012

Apple still said to account for 87% of North American tablet traffic as Kindle Fire, Nexus 7 gain

For a moment there, we almost believed it: Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz's radical solution for the ongoing fiscal cliff nightmare, and maybe politics entirely, was going to work. Scrawling a vaguely political message on paper cups containing overpriced coffee would deliver us from partisan politics, from disagreement itself. We were going to Come Together? while consuming a Trenta vanilla soy half-caf latte?with extra chocolate drizzle.


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Strange behavior: New study exposes living cells to synthetic protein

Dec. 27, 2012 ? One approach to understanding components in living organisms is to attempt to create them artificially, using principles of chemistry, engineering and genetics. A suite of powerful techniques -- collectively referred to as synthetic biology -- have been used to produce self-replicating molecules, artificial pathways in living systems and organisms bearing synthetic genomes.

In a new twist, John Chaput, a researcher at Arizona State University's Biodesign Institute and colleagues at the Department of Pharmacology, Midwestern University, Glendale, AZ have fabricated an artificial protein in the laboratory and examined the surprising ways living cells respond to it.

"If you take a protein that was created in a test tube and put it inside a cell, does it still function," Chaput asks. "Does the cell recognize it? Does the cell just chew it up and spit it out?" This unexplored area represents a new domain for synthetic biology and may ultimately lead to the development of novel therapeutic agents.

The research results, reported in the advanced online edition of the journal ACS Chemical Biology, describe a peculiar set of adaptations exhibited by Escherichia coli bacterial cells exposed to a synthetic protein, dubbed DX. Inside the cell, DX proteins bind with molecules of ATP, the energy source required by all biological entities.

"ATP is the energy currency of life," Chaput says. The phosphodiester bonds of ATP contain the energy necessary to drive reactions in living systems, giving up their stored energy when these bonds are chemically cleaved. The depletion of available intracellular ATP by DX binding disrupts normal metabolic activity in the cells, preventing them from dividing, (though they continue to grow).

After exposure to DX, the normally spherical E. coli bacteria develop into elongated filaments. Within the filamentous bacteria, dense intracellular lipid structures act to partition the cell at regular intervals along its length. These unusual structures, which the authors call endoliposomes, are an unprecedented phenomenon in such cells.

"Somewhere along the line of this filamentation, other processes begin to happen that we haven't fully understood at the genetic level, but we can see the results phenotypically," Chaput says. "These dense lipid structures are forming at very regular regions along the filamented cell and it looks like it could be a defense mechanism, allowing the cell to compartmentalize itself." This peculiar adaptation has never been observed in bacterial cells and appears unique for a single-celled organism.

Producing a synthetic protein like DX, which can mimic the elaborate folding characteristics of naturally occurring proteins and bind with a key metabolite like ATP is no easy task. As Chaput explains, a clever strategy known as mRNA display was used to produce, fine-tune and amplify synthetic proteins capable of binding ATP with high affinity and specificity, much as a naturally occurring ATP-binding protein would.

First, large libraries of random sequence peptides are formed from the four nucleic acids making up DNA, with each strand measuring around 80 nucleotides in length. These sequences are then transcribed into RNA with the help of an enzyme -- RNA polymerase. If a natural ribosome is then introduced, it attaches to the strand and reads the random sequence RNA as though it was a naturally-occurring RNA, generating a synthetic protein as it migrates along the strand. In this way, synthetic proteins based on random RNA sequences can be generated.

Exposing the batch of synthetic proteins to the target molecule and extracting those that bind can then select for ATP-binding proteins. But as Chaput explains, there's a problem: "The big question is how do you recover that genetic information? You can't reverse transcribe a protein back into DNA. You can't PCR amplify a protein. So we have to do all these molecular biology tricks."

The main trick involves an earlier step in the process. A molecular linker is chemically attached to the RNA templates, such that each RNA strand forms a bond with its newly translated protein. The mRNA-protein hybrids are exposed to selection targets (like ATP) over consecutive rounds of increasing stringency. After each round of selection, those library members that remain bound to the target are reverse-transcribed into cDNA (using their conveniently attached RNA messages), and then PCR amplified.

In the current study, E. coli cells exposed to DX transitioned into a filamentous form, which can occur naturally when such cells are subject to conditions of stress. The cells display low metabolic activity and limited cell division, presumably owing to their ATP-starved condition.

The study also examined the ability of E. coli to recover following DX exposure. The cells were found to enter a quiescent state known as viable but non-culturable (VBNC), meaning that they survived ATP sequestration and returned to their non-filamentous state after 48 hours, but lost their reproductive capacity. Further, this condition was difficult to reverse and seems to involve a fundamental reprogramming of the cell.

In an additional response to DX, the filamentous cells form previously undocumented structures, which the authors refer to as endoliposomes. These dense lipid concentrations, spanning the full width of the filamented E. coli, segment the cells into distinct compartments, giving the cells a stringbean-like appearance under the microscope.

The authors speculate that this adaptation may be an effort to maintain homeostasis in regions of the filamentous cell, which have essentially been walled off from the intrusion of ATP-depleting DX. They liken endoliposomes to the series of water-tight compartments found in submarines which are used to isolate damaged sections of the ship and speculate that DX-exposed cells are partitioning their genetic information into regions where it can be safely quarantined. Such self-compartmentalization is known to occur in some eukaryotic cells, but has not been previously observed in prokaryotes like E. coli.

The research indicates that there is still a great deal to learn about bacterial behavior and the repertoire of responses available when such cells encounter novel situations, such as an unfamiliar, synthetic protein. The study also notes that many infectious agents rely on a dormant state, (similar to the VBNC condition observed in the DX-exposed E. coli), to elude detection by antibiotics. A better understanding of the mechanisms driving this behavior could provide a new approach to targeting such pathogens.

The relative safety of E. coli as a model organism for study may provide a fruitful tool for more in-depth investigation of VBNC states in pathogenic organisms. Further, given ATP's central importance for living organisms, its suppression may provide another avenue for combating disease. One example would be an engineered bacteriophage capable of delivering DX genes to pathogenic organisms.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Arizona State University. The original article was written by Richard Harth.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Shaleen B. Korch, Joshua M. Stomel, Megan A. Le?n, Matt A. Hamada, Christine R. Stevenson, Brent W. Simpson, Sunil K. Gujulla, John C. Chaput. ATP Sequestration by a Synthetic ATP-Binding Protein Leads to Novel Phenotypic Changes inEscherichia coli. ACS Chemical Biology, 2012; : 121203123002005 DOI: 10.1021/cb3004786

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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China Vows to Clamp Down on Trademark Trolls

Proposed changes to the law would affect firms such as Proview, which sued Apple for the use of the iPad name.

China has stressed its plan to change laws in order to combat "malicious" trademark registrations, which have allowed companies to misuse names and brands.

The proposed changes were announced after international companies and well-known individuals complained to the region's authorities. The country's legislature will discuss the amendment this week.

One of the more famous cases pertaining to the matter is China-based Proview suing Apple for the use of the name "iPad". It's a dispute, however, that ultimately led to Apple settling for $60 million.

Other cases include Michael Jordan, who sued a Chinese sportswear company for making use of his name, as well as French luxury brand Hermes International who has also submitted trademark complaints.

Should the amendment proposed by China come into fruition, it would offer more power to trademark holders by allowing them to ban the unauthorized use of their logos and name or ones that bear a similar resemblance.


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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Birdsong study pecks theory that music is uniquely human

Dec. 27, 2012 ? A bird listening to birdsong may experience some of the same emotions as a human listening to music, suggests a new study on white-throated sparrows, published in Frontiers of Evolutionary Neuroscience.

"We found that the same neural reward system is activated in female birds in the breeding state that are listening to male birdsong, and in people listening to music that they like," says Sarah Earp, who led the research as an undergraduate at Emory University.

For male birds listening to another male's song, it was a different story: They had an amygdala response that looks similar to that of people when they hear discordant, unpleasant music.

The study, co-authored by Emory neuroscientist Donna Maney, is the first to compare neural responses of listeners in the long-standing debate over whether birdsong is music.

"Scientists since the time of Darwin have wondered whether birdsong and music may serve similar purposes, or have the same evolutionary precursors," Earp notes. "But most attempts to compare the two have focused on the qualities of the sound themselves, such as melody and rhythm."

Earp's curiosity was sparked while an honors student at Emory, majoring in both neuroscience and music. She took "The Musical Brain" course developed by Paul Lennard, director of Emory's Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology program, which brought in guest lecturers from the fields of neuroscience and music.

"During one class, the guest speaker was a composer and he said that he thought that birdsong is like music, but Dr. Lennard thought it was not," Earp recalls. "It turned into this huge debate, and each of them seemed to define music differently. I thought it was interesting that you could take one question and have two conflicting answers that are both right, in a way, depending on your perspective and how you approach the question."

As a senior last year, Earp received a grant from the Scholars Program for Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Research (SPINR), and a position in the lab of Maney, who uses songbirds as a model to study the neural basis of complex learned behavior.

When Earp proposed using the lab's data to investigate the birdsong-music debate, Maney thought it was a great idea. "Birdsong is a signal," Maney says. "And the definition of a signal is that it elicits a response in the receiver. Previous studies hadn't approached the question from that angle, and it's an important one."

Earp reviewed studies that mapped human neural responses to music through brain imaging.

She also analyzed data from the Maney lab on white-throated sparrows. The lab maps brain responses in the birds by measuring Egr-1, part of a major biochemical pathway activated in cells that are responding to a stimulus.

The study used Egr-1 as a marker to map and quantify neural responses in the mesolimbic reward system in male and female white-throated sparrows listening to a male bird's song. Some of the listening birds had been treated with hormones, to push them into the breeding state, while the control group had low levels of estradiol and testosterone.

During the non-breeding season, both sexes of sparrows use song to establish and maintain dominance in relationships. During the breeding season, however, a male singing to a female is almost certainly courting her, while a male singing to another male is challenging an interloper.

For the females in the breeding state every region of the mesolimbic reward pathway that has been reported to respond to music in humans, and that has a clear avian counterpart, responded to the male birdsong. Females in the non-breeding state, however, did not show a heightened response.

And the testosterone-treated males listening to another male sing showed an amygdala response, which may correlate to the amygdala response typical of humans listening to the kind of music used in the scary scenes of horror movies.

"The neural response to birdsong appears to depend on social context, which can be the case with humans as well," Earp says. "Both birdsong and music elicit responses not only in brain regions associated directly with reward, but also in interconnected regions that are thought to regulate emotion. That suggests that they both may activate evolutionarily ancient mechanisms that are necessary for reproduction and survival."

A major limitation of the study, Earp adds, is that many of the regions that respond to music in humans are cortical, and they do not have clear counterparts in birds. "Perhaps techniques will someday be developed to image neural responses in baleen whales, whose songs are both musical and learned, and whose brain anatomy is more easily compared with humans," she says.

Earp, who played the viola in the Emory orchestra and graduated last May, is now a medical student at the Cleveland Clinic.

So what music makes her brain light up? "Stravinsky's 'Firebird' suite," Earp says.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Emory University. The original article was written by Carol Clark.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Sarah E. Earp, Donna L. Maney. Birdsong: Is It Music to Their Ears? Frontiers in Evolutionary Neuroscience, 2012; 4 DOI: 10.3389/fnevo.2012.00014

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Manning, Peterson, RGIII?make Pro Bowl

Robert Griffin III also Pro-Bowl bound after standout rookie season

Getty Images

Peyton Manning (L)?and Adrian Peterson capped their comeback seasons with Pro Bowl nods.


updated 7:51 p.m. ET Dec. 26, 2012

NEW YORK - Peyton Manning and Adrian Peterson want to cap their sensational comebacks with Super Bowl appearances. For now, they can be proud of Pro Bowl spots.

So can Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III, one of two rookies chosen Wednesday for the Jan. 27 NFL all-star game.

Manning missed all of the 2011 season with neck and back problems that required several operations. He then signed with Denver as a free agent and has led the Broncos on a 10-game winning streak to take the AFC West.

"I know there's great players out there in the NFL, but there's some great players on this team this year that deserve to go," said Manning, whose 12th Pro Bowl is a record for quarterbacks. He ranks fourth in league passing this year, has thrown 34 touchdowns and 11 interceptions.

Four other Broncos made the AFC roster: DE Elvis Dumervil, linebacker Von Miller, CB Champ Bailey and tackle Ryan Clady. Bailey's 12th appearance is a record for defensive backs.

"My goal has always been to go out and help the team win and play at a high level," Manning added. "Anything that comes along with that, like being honored as a Pro Bowl selection, is very humbling."

Minnesota's Peterson tore up his left knee on Christmas Eve last year, underwent major surgery, then was back for the season opener. He's gone from uncertain to unstoppable, running away with the rushing title with a career-high 1,898 yards and lifting the Vikings toward an NFC wild card.

"Coming into the season after going through the rehab process, I just told myself that I wanted to lead my team to a championship and make sure that I contribute and do my part," Peterson said. "I've been doing it."

Griffin is one of three rookie QBs who had superb debut seasons, along with Andrew Luck of Indianapolis and Russell Wilson of Seattle. Luck and Wilson weren't voted to the Pro Bowl by players, coaches and fans, although their teams are in the playoffs; Griffin can get to the postseason if Washington beats Dallas on Sunday.

"You can't play down those kind of things," Griffin said. "I've always said my whole football career that you don't play for awards. They just come. You don't say you're going to win the Heisman. You don't say you're going to win MVP. You go out and you prove it on the field, and if everyone feels that way then they'll give you that award."

San Francisco had the most players selected, nine, including six from its second-ranked defense. Houston was next with eight, six on offense.

Kansas City, despite its 2-13 record that is tied with Jacksonville for worst in the league, had five Pro Bowlers, including RB Jamaal Charles, who like Peterson is coming back from a torn ACL.
One other rookie, Minnesota kicker Blair Walsh, was chosen. Walsh has nine field goals of at least 50 yards, an NFL mark.

The AFC kicker is at the other end of the spectrum: Cleveland's Phil Dawson earned his first selection in his 14th NFL season.

"I deliberately tried not to know," Dawson said. "We wanted to watch the show with my kids. I had a really good idea what was going on, but it was a pretty priceless moment when we saw the name flash up on the screen. My kids went nuts `cause my wife went nuts. That makes these 15 years of waiting worth it."

Another record setter will be heading to Honolulu: Detroit WR Calvin Johnson.

Johnson broke Jerry Rice's single-season yards receiving record and has 1,892 yards with a game left.

Falcons tight end Tony Gonzalez set the record for Pro Bowls at his position by being chosen for the 13th time.

The league's top two sackmasters, DEs Aldon Smith of San Francisco and J.J. Watt of Houston, were first-time selections. Watt has 20 1-2 sacks, one ahead of Smith; the NFL record is 22 1-2.

Other newcomers, along with Griffin, Walsh and Dawson, were AFC players tackle Duane Brown and guard Wade Smith of Houston; safety LaRon Landry of the Jets; kick returner Jacoby Jones of Baltimore; and punter Dustin Colquitt of Kansas City.

For the NFC, first-timers were Giants WR Victor Cruz; Atlanta WR Julio Jones; Seattle tackle Russell Okung and center Max Unger; San Francisco guard Mike Iupati, linebacker NaVorro Bowman and safety Donte Whitner; Chicago cornerback Tim Jennings and defensive tackle Henry Melton; Washington tackle Trent Williams and special teamer Lorenzo Alexander; Minnesota fullback Jerome Felton; Tampa Bay DT Gerald McCoy; and New Orleans punter Thomas Morstead.

Eight teams had no Pro Bowl players: Carolina, Philadelphia and St. Louis in the NFC, Tennessee, Buffalo, Jacksonville, San Diego and Oakland in the AFC.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


More news
Manning, Peterson, RGIII?make Pro Bowl

Sensational comebacks have Peyton Manning and Adrian Peterson headed for the Pro Bowl.? Also selected Wednesday to the NFL's all-star game was Redskins rookie quarterback Robert Griffin III.


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Monday, December 24, 2012

Colts beat Chiefs 20-13 to clinch playoff berth

Indianapolis Colts quarterback Andrew Luck, right, scrambles away from Kansas City Chiefs inside linebacker Brandon Siler during the first half of an NFL football game on Sunday, Dec. 23, 2012, in Kansas City, Mo. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

Indianapolis Colts quarterback Andrew Luck, right, scrambles away from Kansas City Chiefs inside linebacker Brandon Siler during the first half of an NFL football game on Sunday, Dec. 23, 2012, in Kansas City, Mo. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

Indianapolis Colts cornerback Darius Butler, right, returns an interception 32 yards for a touchdown during the first half of an NFL football game against the Kansas City Chiefs, Sunday, Dec. 23, 2012, in Kansas City, Mo. (AP Photo/Orlin Wagner)

Kansas City Chiefs running back Jamaal Charles (25) runs from Indianapolis Colts outside linebacker Jerry Hughes, left, during the first half of an NFL football game Sunday, Dec. 23, 2012, in Kansas City, Mo. (AP Photo/Ed Zurga)

Kansas City Chiefs outside linebacker Tamba Hali, left, celebrates with Kendrick Lewis, right, after a sack of Indianapolis Colts quarterback Andrew Luck during the first half of an NFL football game Sunday, Dec. 23, 2012, in Kansas City, Mo. (AP Photo/Orlin Wagner)

(AP) ? The expectations placed upon Andrew Luck almost seemed unfair.

Being the heir to Peyton Manning in Indianapolis is heady stuff for a rookie taking the reins of a franchise that won two games last season.

Now, after guiding the Colts back to the playoffs ? and breaking Cam Newton's single-season passing record for a first-year player ? it's safe to say Luck exceeded just about all of them.

Luck threw for 205 yards Sunday, and his 7-yard touchdown pass to Reggie Wayne on third-and-goal late in the fourth quarter gave the Colts a 20-13 victory over the Kansas City Chiefs. That put them into the playoffs without worrying about anybody else.

"Would we have done it without him?" Colts interim coach Bruce Arians asked. "No."

Luck broke Newton's record of 4,051 yards passing in the second quarter. But it was extending his own rookie record for fourth-quarter comebacks to seven was more important.

The Chiefs had rallied behind Jamaal Charles' 226 yards rushing to tie the game 13-13 heading into the fourth quarter. The Colts' defense stuffed quarterback Brady Quinn on fourth-and-inches to give Luck a chance.

That's all he needed.

After a miserable stretch in which he connected on 1 of 13 passes, the fabulous freshman calmly led Indianapolis (10-5) downfield. He completed a key pass to T.Y. Hilton on third down and made two nice throws to Wayne before hitting the veteran in the back of the end zone.

"We had so many opportunities all game, especially on third down, that we squandered," Wayne said. "We wanted to get that done. That was the opportune time to do it."

Darius Butler returned an interception 32 yards for the Colts' other touchdown, helping them join the 2008 Miami Dolphins as the only teams to win at least 10 games after losing 14 or more the previous season.

Most of those wins have come under Arians, who has filled in admirably while Chuck Pagano underwent treatment for leukemia. Pagano is expected to rejoin the Colts this week.

"Mission accomplished. That's all I can say," Arians said. "Without getting emotional again, knowing that (Pagano) is going to be back Monday, the work week shouldn't be as stressful."

Charles' big day included an 86-yard touchdown run on the first play of the second half. It was his second 200-yard game of the season, and came one week after he managed 10 yards on nine carries against Oakland.

"It was fun today, competing out there and doing it while we were trying to come back," Charles said. "It was fun going out there and putting out a performance like that."

Charles joined the Titans' Chris Johnson and former Lions great Barry Sanders as the only players with three runs of 80 or more yards in a season. His third career 200-yard game also set a franchise record, which he had shared with Larry Johnson.

Peyton Hillis added 101 yards on the ground for the Chiefs (2-13), who had 352 yards rushing in a losing effort ? the first time that's happened in NFL history.

A big reason why was Quinn, who was just 10 of 22 for 162 yards with two interceptions.

"This game was without a doubt, 100 percent on my shoulders," he said. "You can't play the way I played today and win a football game."

His trouble began with the Chiefs' fifth offensive play, when he threw woefully behind Dexter McCluster ? who wasn't even looking for the ball. Butler picked off the pass in stride, taking it untouched to the end zone for a 7-0 lead.

Kansas City managed a field goal by Ryan Succop, but he missed his next try and the Colts went the other direction to set up the first of Adam Vinatieri's two field goals.

Charles fumbled in the red zone later in the second quarter, and the Colts moved into Vinatieri's range for a 36-yard field goal and a 13-3 halftime lead.

Charles electrified a sparse crowd on the first play of the second half. He angled to the left and then found room down the sideline, cutting back toward the middle of the field and winning a foot-race with the Indianapolis defense for an 86-yard touchdown run.

The Chiefs were in position to take the lead later in the third quarter, but Quinn was picked off by Vontae Davis in the end zone. The defense forced a three-and-out and Kansas City was driving again before settling for Succop's tying 47-yard field goal.

The Chiefs got the ball back again late in the fourth quarter, but Quinn was stuffed on a quarterback sneak on fourth-and-inches from the Indianapolis 27.

That turned the ball over to Luck, who completed an 11-yard pass to T.Y. Hilton to convert a third down before he and Wayne won it.

"At times it looked a little bleak," Arians said. "Guys hung in there, made plays when they had to make them. Offensively we struggled, and then put together a drive, like we have all year."

Notes: Chiefs WR Terrance Copper (left knee) and DT Tyson Jackson (left foot) left with injuries. ... Wayne had five catches to become the fifth player in NFL history with four 100-catch seasons. He also became the 14th player to reach 13,000 yards receiving.


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Ho Ho Holy Discount: Vatican tax-free store busy

VATICAN CITY (AP) ? Anyone left on your Christmas list just aching for a 65-inch Samsung 3D flat-screen television? Just your luck. The Vatican's duty-free department store has one on sale for ?2,899 ($3,840) ? a nifty savings over the ?3,799 ($5,032) it costs at Italy's main electronics chain Euronics.

Or how about some new luggage for the holidays? The Vatican shop stocks a variety of Samsonite Cordoba Duo carry-ons for ?123, a nice markdown from the ?135 on the Samsonite website. But if a last-minute shopping splurge is in order, the Vatican can also oblige: Take this leather-bound travelling trunk from Florence's "The Bridge" leatherworks, with its five drawers, plaid interior, six wooden hangars and shiny brass buckles.

At ?5,900, it comes with a matching leather golf club bag, just what every monsignor needs under his Christmas tree.

There's a little-known open secret in the Vatican gardens, a few paces behind St. Peter's Basilica and tucked inside the Vatican's old train station: a sprawling, three-story tax-free department store that rivals any airport duty free or military PX, stocking everything from Church's custom grade shoes (?483 a pair) to Baume et Mercier watches (ladies ?1,585, men's Capeland ?5,000).

There's a hitch, however. It's not open to the public, only to Vatican citizens, employees and their dependents, diplomats accredited to the Holy See and (unofficially) their lucky friends who, after stocking up on holiday must-haves, proceed to the checkout with their Vatican connection and the ID card that entitles them to shop there.

To be sure, Rome is no stranger to tax-free shopping. Embassies, nearby military bases and the U.N. food agencies all have commissaries for their employees, where imports of everything from American ice cream to French wine can be had minus the 21 percent sales tax included in list prices in Italy.

The Vatican has that and more, given that it's its own sovereign state ? the world's smallest ? operating in central Rome. At 44 hectares (110 acres), the Vatican city state is the physical home of the Holy See: the pope and governing structure and administration of the Catholic Church.

The Vatican Museum, with its main draw the Sistine Chapel, is the main profit-making enterprise of the Vatican city state, bringing in ?91.3 million in revenue last year alone. But other smaller entrepreneurial endeavors boost the Vatican's coffers as well, including the department store, the tax-free gas station, the stamp and coin collecting office, the Vatican pharmacy and its supermarket.

And in these days of austerity, their profits and bottom line are ever more important to the Vatican.

The Vatican is entitled to run such tax-free enterprises inside its walls based on the Lateran Treaty, the 1929 pact that regularized and regulates the Vatican's relations with Italy. But those regulations also limit the Vatican's customer base, lest all of Rome descend on the supermarket to stock up on Gordon's Gin (?8.50 a liter compared to the ?15 it can run in liquor stores) or Montecristo No. 3 Cuban cigars (box of 25 ?84 ($110.95) compared to $164.95 on About 4,700 people are employed by the Holy See and the Vatican city state; the Vatican's diplomatic corps ? the Holy See has relations with some 175 countries ? adds another chunk to the customer base.

Few people outside Rome know the department store exists ? there's no evidence of it on any Vatican website, no photos of its wares, no advertising outside the Vatican walls. Those who do know it exists seem to want to pretend it doesn't since the high-end luxury items on sale aren't necessarily in tune with either the sobriety or the salaries of the Vatican rank-and-file.

In fact, on a recent Thursday morning, nary a collar nor religious habit was in sight as ordinary lay folk milled around the spacious store during December's "extraordinary opening hours" ? extended to accommodate bargain-hunting Christmas shoppers who were rewarded with a wine tasting in the central atrium and piles of Brooks Brothers non-iron shirts and Burbury backpacks to choose from.

"More than the prices, it's the material," said Luciano, a bulky Roman who refused to give his last name as he shopped for an overcoat with his wife and an obliging Vatican friend waiting at checkout. "This one I don't like ? I look like a priest," he muttered as he put the navy blue trench coat back on a hangar.

Cardinal Edmund Szoka, the American who sought to bring some order into the Vatican's finances as head of the Vatican city state, is credited with having made the department store what it is today, moving it into the Vatican's underused train station, a miniature version of Washington's Union station with a sweeping double staircase and glass-front window that frames the dome of St. Peter's a few meters (yards) away.

Szoka said he moved it from the basement of the Vatican government building to the train station for more space, since the station wasn't used anymore for passengers and provided the perfect, airy open space that a shop of its kind would require.

"Our principal motivation in changing the train station building into a department store was mainly for the convenience of our employees, as well as for those who could come into the Vatican and shop there," he said in an email from his home in Michigan. "Naturally, we expected a profit, but that was not the primary motivation."

Szoka retired in 2006, well before the global economic crisis hit. The current leadership of the "Governorato" as the city state administration is called, recently asked all department heads to come up with cost-saving or profit-making initiatives to help the Vatican get through the tough times.

"Any good administrator wants to save what can be saved," said Monsignor Giuseppe Sciacca, the governorato's No. 2. "It seems obvious, necessary."

The Philatelic and Numismatic Office, for example, recently started selling a special limited-edition stamp to help pay for the ?14 million restoration of the Bernini colonnade in St. Peter's Square after corporate sponsorship dried up amid the recession.

Vatican Radio announced in July it would be saving "hundreds of thousands of euros" in energy costs by stopping short -and -medium-wave broadcasts to Europe and the Americas, using other technologies instead.

Perhaps even more than the department store, the Vatican supermarket is a much-sought after perk for Vatican employees, and a boost to the Vatican's bottom line. And at Christmastime, it is as jammed as the department store, with lines snaking through the store and cars taking up valuable parking spaces inside Vatican City as shoppers pile their carts high with panettone, the traditional Italian Christmas cake which is the di riguer gift for Italian holiday parties. Panettone can run ?25 a pop at Roman bakeries; in the Vatican supermarket, a high-end brand runs almost half that.

"The Nutella is just better here," said Maria Grazia Mancini, a Rome municipal worker who was doing a major pre-Christmas shop with her father, a Vatican employee. "The products here are for export ? the same brands but for export, so it's better quality."

While Sciacca is only too pleased to see the Vatican saving money where it can be saved and making it where it can be made, he was adamant that there are no plans to expand the customer base of the Vatican's little-known discount stores. Accords with Italy don't allow it.

"We shouldn't. And we can't," he said.

He spoke on the sidelines of the presentation of the Vatican's 2012 nativity scene, being unveiled Monday night and donated for the first time. The Vatican happily accepted the donated creche from the Italian region of Basilicata after its ?550,000 Christmas setup in 2009 was exposed earlier this year during the scandal over leaked Vatican documents.


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North Korea could have U.S. within missile range, says South

SEOUL (Reuters) - This month's rocket launch by reclusive North Korea shows it has likely developed the technology, long suspected in the West, to fire a warhead more than 10,000 km (6,200 miles), South Korean officials said on Sunday, putting the U.S. West Coast in range.

North Korea said the December 12 launch put a weather satellite in orbit but critics say it was aimed at nurturing the kind of technology needed to mount a nuclear warhead on a long-range missile.

North Korea is banned from testing missile or nuclear technology under U.N. sanctions imposed after its 2006 and 2009 nuclear weapons tests and the U.N. Security Council condemned the launch.

South Korea retrieved and analyzed parts of the first-stage rocket that dropped in the waters off its west coast

"As a result of analyzing the material of Unha-3 (North Korea's rocket), we judged North Korea had secured a range of more than 10,000 km in case the warhead is 500-600 kg," a South Korean Defense Ministry official told a news briefing.

North Korea's previous missile tests ended in failure.

North Korea, which denounces the United States as the mother of all warmongers on an almost daily basis, has spent decades and scarce resources to try to develop technology capable of striking targets as far away as the United States and it is also working to build a nuclear arsenal.

But experts believe the North is still years away from mastering the technology needed to miniaturize a nuclear bomb to mount on a missile.

South Korean defense officials also said there was no confirmation whether the North had the re-entry technology needed for a payload to survive the heat and vibration without disintegrating.

Despite international condemnation, the launch this month was seen as a major boost domestically to the credibility of the North's young leader, Kim Jong-un, who took over power from his father who died last year.

Apparently encouraged by the euphoria, the fledgling supreme leader called for the development and launching of "a variety of more working satellites" and "carrier rockets of bigger capacity" at a banquet in Pyongyang on Friday which he hosted for those who contributed to the lift-off, according to North Korean state media.

(Editing by Jack Kim and Nick Macfie)


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Saturday, December 22, 2012

GPS Guide: Connie Corley's Imagines 'Ocean Magnificence' To Relax And Unwind

The stress and strain of constantly being connected can sometimes take your life -- and your well-being -- off course. GPS For The Soul can help you find your way back to balance.

GPS Guides are our way of showing you what has relieved others' stress in the hopes that you will be able to identify solutions that work for you. We all have de-stressing "secret weapons" that we pull out in times of tension or anxiety, whether they be photos that relax us or make us smile, songs that bring us back to our heart, quotes or poems that create a feeling of harmony, or meditative exercises that help us find a sense of silence and calm. We encourage you to look at the GPS Guide below, visit our other GPS Guides here, and share with us your own personal tips for finding peace, balance and tranquility.

Connie Corley's 2 Tools To Help You Find Your Center:

1. Deep Breathing (also known as belly breathing):
This is a very easy and soothing form of breathing. Start by drawing air into the nose, deep down to the diaphragm (by the ?belly?) and breathing out slowly through the mouth. It is a core teaching through the Center for Mind-Body Medicine in Washington, DC.

Add a pattern of breathing during stressful moments or even during meditation. Sometimes just a few breaths elicits the relaxation response. I teach it to many people and use it upon waking and throughout the day as needed!

2. Guided Imagery:

The beach. Closing the eyes and starting out with deep breathing, I envision taking a stroll on the beach engaging all the senses (e.g., sight, smell, the touch of the sand walking). This is very calming and works well before sleeping or to begin meditating.

This imagery was very powerful helping my children fall asleep for years, and any kind of imagery of a favorite place to relax really works well with guided imagery. I use this when I need to remind myself of the magnificence of nature and its healing power. Recently I recorded it for my older daughter (now 25!)

See some examples of the magnificence of nature in Connie's GPS Guide below.

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Connie Corley, MSW, MA, Ph.D. is a Professor at Fielding Graduate University and Professor Emeritus at California State University Los Angeles (and Associate Director of Lifelong Learning, Applied Gerontology Institute). She completed her graduate degrees at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. She holds certification from the Center for Mind-Body Medicine in Washington, DC and also teaches at Saybrook University School of Mind-Body Medicine.

For more GPS Guides, click here.

"; var coords = [-5, -72]; // display fb-bubble FloatingPrompt.embed(this, html, undefined, 'top', {fp_intersects:1, timeout_remove:2000,ignore_arrow: true, width:236, add_xy:coords, class_name: 'clear-overlay'}); });


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Thursday, December 20, 2012


Parade RSS feed search results for ParadeWed, 19 Dec 2012 07:17:34 GMTRSSMicro Search - RSS Feed Search Engine - RSS Feed Directory 1440Saturday, May 18th, 2013 - 119th Annual Luther Burbank Rose Parade & Festival;eID=46011 <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Tuesday, December 18, 2012</font><br />The 119th Annual Luther Burbank Rose <b>Parade</b> is one of Sonoma County's most time honored traditions and one of the oldest and largest events of its kind in Northern California. ...</p>;eID=46011Wed, 19 Dec 2012 05:13:17 GMTCarolinas' Carrousel Parade makes 2012 list of Best Thanksgiving Parades in the nation <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Tuesday, December 18, 2012</font><br />CHARLOTTE, NC (WBTV)- The Carolinas' Carrousel <b>Parade</b> is included in US News & World Report's 2012 list of America's Best Thanksgiving Parades. It was also among the top in 2011, and recognized in 2008 as the fourth largest Thanksgiving Day <b>Parade</b> in the nation. The Carrousel <b>Parade</b> celebrated its 65th anniversary this past Thanksgiving. "We are very proud and excited that the... ...</p>, 19 Dec 2012 04:30:58 GMTPhoto: 2010 Stampede Parade;pid=2609 <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Tuesday, December 18, 2012</font><br /><img src="" & width="150" & height="99" style="margin: 5pt 10px 0px 0px; float: left;" border="1" align="left" alt="" />Keywords: stampede <b>Parade</b> ian sorensen exhibition downtown ...</p>;pid=2609Wed, 19 Dec 2012 03:19:48 GMTGroups to march in Inaugural Parade <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Tuesday, December 18, 2012</font><br />The Presidential Inaugural Committee says two groups from Maryland and one from D.C. will march in the 57th Inaugural <b>Parade</b> next month. ...</p>, 19 Dec 2012 03:19:33 GMTDisneyland Christmas Parade;goto=newpost <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Tuesday, December 18, 2012</font><br />We Love Disneyland at Christmastime and have gone last two years in a row and a few occasional before that. Didn't the Christmas <b>Parade</b> include a mixture of traditional Christmas Carols in years past. Their theme song gets a bit monotonous after awhile. ...</p>;goto=newpostWed, 19 Dec 2012 02:53:05 GMTChristmas parade winners <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Tuesday, December 18, 2012</font><br /> ...</p>, 19 Dec 2012 02:41:11 GMTInaugural parade: First groups get invitations <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Tuesday, December 18, 2012</font><br />WASHINGTON (AP) - Spouses of those serving in the armed forces, military and civilian colleges, gay musicians, service dog trainers and a drill team from President Barack Obama's hometown are among the diverse groups that were invited Tuesday to participate in next month's inaugural <b>Parade</b> down Pennsylvania Avenue. The Presidential Inaugural Committee has started sending out invitations to groups nationwide to march behind Obama from his swearing in at the Capitol to the White House on Jan. 21. The first wave selected includes the marching band from Miami University of Ohio, the alma matter of GOP vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan where first lady Michelle Obama spoke during the final weekend of the campaign. Also selected was the Virginia Military Institute, a traditional performer in inaugural parades. Others include Military Spouses of Michigan, the Lesbian and Gay Band Association of St. Louis, Chicago's South Shore Drill Team and marching bands from Little Rock Central High School and Washington's Ballou Senior High School. "The talented groups chosen to participate in the inaugural <b>Parade</b> reflect the spirit, values, and diversity of our great nation," Obama said in a statement. The application process was run by the military, beginning in October before the election and continuing through the end of last month. The Joint Task Force - National Capital Region is charged with supporting inaugural ceremonies and reviewed abou ...</p>, 19 Dec 2012 01:53:36 GMTMiami U. to appear in Inaugural Parade <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Tuesday, December 18, 2012</font><br />The band is among the first group of participants announced by the Presidential Inaugural Committee. ...</p>, 19 Dec 2012 00:39:26 GMTTo do in D-FW for Wednesday: Be in a boombox parade, check out lights, go to the Jingle Bell Run and more <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Tuesday, December 18, 2012</font><br /><img src="" & width="150" & height="100" style="margin: 5pt 10px 0px 0px; float: left;" border="1" align="left" alt="" />Frisco Square's light show features more than 175,000 lights. (Ann Pinson) Looking for something to do on Wednesday? We?ve got you covered. Christmas in the Square: Get a little free holiday cheer in the comfort of your car at this Frisco Square light show set to holiday music. You can listen to the tunes, such as that ?Welcome Christmas? song the Whos sing in How the Grinch Stole Christmas , on your car?s radio. Want more lights? Check out our roundup here . Unsilent Night: They call it ?outdoor participatory sound sculpture.? Holiday processions ? made up of people with boomboxes playing recordings of bells ? are held across the globe for this event. The Dallas edition starts at 7 p.m. at DART?s Akard Station. Other types of audio players are welcome, too. Get the scoop on participating here . Jingle Bell Run: The evening?s 5K run and 1-mile run-walk start at the Hilton Anatole. The after-party features beer, food and music by the Ray Johnston Band. Horns for the Holidays: The Dallas Wind Symphony celebrates its latest CD release with a concert at the Meyerson featuring Christmas favorites. Cirque Dreams Holidaze: The holiday circus continues at the Winspear. ? GuideLive is the go-see-do portal of the Dallas Morning News where you can find: Events ? Search all listings Movies ? Search movie times and locations Music ? Search for concerts and other music events Restaurants ? Search for restaurants, reviews and locations ? ? ...</p>, 18 Dec 2012 23:00:45 GMTSouth Shore Drill Team chosen for inaugural parade <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Tuesday, December 18, 2012</font><br />WASHINGTON ? The South Shore Drill Team from Chicago will march in the inaugural <b>Parade</b> for President Barack Obama, inauguration officials said today. ...</p>, 18 Dec 2012 22:50:00 GMTFirst groups get invitations to inaugural parade <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Tuesday, December 18, 2012</font><br />WASHINGTON (AP) ? Spouses of those serving in the armed forces, military and civilian colleges, gay musicians, service dog trainers and a drill team from President Barack Obama's hometown are among the diverse groups that were invited Tuesday to participate in next month's inaugural <b>Parade</b> down Pennsylvania Avenue. The Presidential Inaugural Committee has started sending out invitations to groups nationwide to march behind Obama from his swearing in at the Capitol to the White House on Jan. Read more on ...</p>, 18 Dec 2012 22:32:56 GMTVMI band selected to march in Inaugural Parade <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Tuesday, December 18, 2012</font><br />VMI band selected to march in Inaugural <b>Parade</b> ...</p>, 18 Dec 2012 22:26:25 GMTSouth Texas mariachi band picked for Obama inaugural parade <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Tuesday, December 18, 2012</font><br /><img src="" & width="150" & height="100" style="margin: 5pt 10px 0px 0px; float: left;" border="1" align="left" alt="" />Inaugural preparations last week on West Front of the U.S. Capitol. (AP photo) Students from the Rio Grande Valley will march in the 57th Inaugural <b>Parade</b>. The Palmview High School Mariachi and Folkloric Group, from Mission, Texas, is among the bands chosen Tuesday for the honor. ?The talented groups chosen to participate in the Inaugural <b>Parade</b> reflect the spirit, values, and diversity of our great nation,? President Barack Obama said in a statement released by the Presidential Inaugural Committee . ?Vice President Biden and I are honored to have them join us in the <b>Parade</b>.? Because Jan. 20 falls on a Sunday, Obama will be sworn in privately at the White House that day, with the public ceremony and <b>Parade</b> on Jan. 21. More than 2,800 marching bands, musical acts and drill teams applied. Participants pay their own transportation and lodging costs. The committee announced 23 selections on Tuesday but more may be coming. There?s a drill team from Obama?s hometown, Chicago, and a marching band from Honolulu?s Kamehameha Schools . Some inaugural <b>Parade</b> factoids, from the PIC: 1789: On his way from Mount Vernon to the inaugural event in New York City, George Washington was accompanied by local militias on the way to Federal Hall where the first inauguration was held. 1805: Thomas Jefferson charted the modern day <b>Parade</b> route when he rode on horseback from the Capitol to the White House after being sworn in for his second term. Since Je ...</p>, 18 Dec 2012 22:00:21 GMTSt. Louis Organization to March in Inaugural Parade <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Tuesday, December 18, 2012</font><br />WASHINGTON (KMOX) ? A St. Louis organization is among those who will march in the 57th inaugural <b>Parade</b>. The Presidential Inaugural Committee announced Tuesday the first list of groups among the 2800 who applied to take part. See full list HERE The Lesbian and Gay Band Association will march in the <b>Parade</b> after President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are sworn in Monday January 21st. Organizations that wanted to take part submitted online applications to the Joint Task Force National Capital Region (JTF-NCR). The Task Force says the number who submitted applications is more than double the over 1,380 organizations that applied to take part in President Obama?s first inauguration. Applications were reviewed by the Presidential Inaugural Committee with the assistance of the JTF-NCR, including members of several of the military bands, who used their expertise to help assess the presentation skill of marching bands, musical acts and drill teams. ?The talented groups chosen to participate in the Inaugural <b>Parade</b> reflect the spirit, values, and diversity of our great nation, said President Obama. Vice President Biden and I are honored to have them join us in the <b>Parade</b>. All participants are responsible for paying their own lodging and transportation to and from Washington, D.C. The PIC has been working closely with area governments and civic organizations to facilitate access to affordable accommodations. The Inaugural ...</p>, 18 Dec 2012 21:44:16 GMTSouth Shore Drill Team to be in Obama Inaugural Parade <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Tuesday, December 18, 2012</font><br />WASHINGTON--Chicago's South Shore Drill team has been selected to march in President Barack Obama's inauguration <b>Parade</b> on Jan. 21, the Presidential Inaugural Committee announced on Tuesday. More organizations are still being invited to be part of the event. Find out more about the drill team HERE. Click below for the list of <b>Parade</b> participants so far... ...</p>, 18 Dec 2012 21:11:34 GMTBraid Paisley Performs at Disney Parks Christmas Day Parade <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Tuesday, December 18, 2012</font><br /><img src="" & width="150" & height="209" style="margin: 5pt 10px 0px 0px; float: left;" border="1" align="left" alt="" />Recently, Braid Paisley filmed a special performance at Disney California Adventure?s Cars Land which will appear on Disney Parks Christmas Day <b>Parade</b> on ABC December 25. This wasn?t the first time the country superstar visited Radiator Springs, however. Not only did Paisley attend the grand opening of Cars Land in June, but he also recorded two songs for the original soundtrack for Disney/Pixar?s Cars. ?Behind the Clouds? was one of the songs, which you will see during his performance when the televised <b>Parade</b> airs later this month. If you want to watch the <b>Parade</b>, tune in from 10 a.m. to noon if you are in the Eastern time zone or 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. for those of you in the Central, Mountain and Pacific time zones. The <b>Parade</b> is sure to be a hit, so don?t miss out on the fun and festivities Christmas morning! Source ...</p>, 18 Dec 2012 21:00:26 GMTCarrousel Parade Named One of America?s Best Thanksgiving Day Parades <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Tuesday, December 18, 2012</font><br /><img src="" & width="150" & height="100" style="margin: 5pt 10px 0px 0px; float: left;" border="1" align="left" alt="" />Charlotte <b>Parade</b> cited by US News & World Report Travel The Carolinas? Carrousel <b>Parade</b>, which celebrated its 65 th anniversary this year, has been included in US News & World Report?s 2012 list of America?s Best Thanksgiving Day Parades ( ). The <b>Parade</b> was among the top Thanksgiving Parades in 2011 and was recognized in 2008 as the fourth largest Thanksgiving Day <b>Parade</b> in the United States. ? ?We are very proud and excited that the Carrousel <b>Parade</b> has received this honor,? said Linda Healy Vespa, executive director of Carolinas? Carrousel, Inc., the non-profit organization that produces the <b>Parade</b> and its affiliated Carrousel Scholarship Program. ?The <b>Parade</b> has been an important holiday tradition in this region since 1947 and it is wonderful that it has earned this recognition.? ? The 2012 <b>Parade</b> was one of the largest Carrousel Parades in recent memory. It featured over 125 units, including floats, marching bands, and many special guests, such as world champion swimmer Ricky Berens, the cast of Actor?s Theatre of Charlotte?s production of ?The Winter Wonderettes,? and Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools Superintendent Dr. Heath Morrison, who was the <b>Parade</b>?s Grand Marshal. ? Also highlighted were the high school senior girls who participated in this year?s Carrousel Scholarship Program, including the 2012 Carrousel Scholar Mijal Bucay of Providen ...</p>, 18 Dec 2012 20:56:02 GMTFeb. trial set for ex-cop who hit woman after parade <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Tuesday, December 18, 2012</font><br />By Mensah M. Dean The Philadelphia Daily News PHILADELPHIA ? Jonathan Josey II, the decorated Highway Patrol supervisor who was fired from the Philadelphia Police Department after being filmed punching a woman during the city's Puerto Rican Day <b>Parade</b> in September, will be tried in February, a judge ruled Monday. Josey, 39, who is charged with simple assault, was not at the brief status hearing ... ...</p>, 18 Dec 2012 18:31:26 GMTBach to recognize volunteer who made parade sleigh <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Tuesday, December 18, 2012</font><br /><img src="" & width="100" & height="75" style="margin: 5pt 10px 0px 0px; float: left;" border="1" align="left" alt="" />What would a Christmas <b>Parade</b> be without Santa and his sleigh? It almost happened with the Festival of Lights <b>Parade</b>. But Dave Bullock, who works at the U.S. Olympic Training Center, volunteered to build a sleigh and harnesses for the reindeer when... ...</p>, 18 Dec 2012 17:30:00 GMTDHS marching band prepares for 2013 Rose Parade <p><font color="Gray">Source: --- Tuesday, December 18, 2012</font><br />KAYSVILLE, Utah (ABC 4 News) - In just two weeks, Davis High School's marching band will perform in the Tournament of Roses <b>Parade</b>. ABC4 had the special invitation to one of the final rehearsals to see their preparation for their moment in the National spotlight. Inside the band room at Davis High School, you'll find organized chaos. Nearly three hundred kids and instruments can make quite the chaos, but when band leader Steven Hendrick takes control the chaos can be a thing of beauty. This beauty, the Davis High School Marching Band, will be marching in the Tournament of Roses <b>Parade</b> January first. Chase Blackwell, the Drum Major said, "It's an opportunity of a lifetime. They call it the super bowl of parades." Ashley Witherspoon is also a Drum Major, she said, "The fact that we get to go and perform in front of millions of people, it's exciting." It is exciting and also an honor. An invitation to march in the <b>Parade</b> is a huge accomplishment. Only sixteen marching bands from the entire country perform; some college bands, others professional, only half high school bands like Davis. Blackwell said, "It's one of those things that you hope your band gets to go, but it doesn't happen to everyone." The next step of the preparation comes from the marching. The Rose <b>Parade</b>'s route is nearly six miles. That is nearly three times the size of any other <b>Parade</b> the band marches in. Witherspoon said, "We have been working up to our 5 mile pa ...</p>, 18 Dec 2012 17:25:58 GMT


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